摘 要
Suspension system is an important component of modern cars, its most critical function is to pass the role of the wheel and the frame between the force and torque, and make the vehicle passing through the bumpy road when the impact of the ease, This caused by the vibration, so the car in the process of running the ride to be guaranteed. In order to attenuate unnecessary vibration in a short time, the damper must be included in the suspension system. In addition, in order to make the body in the vehicle steering, and will not roll too much, usually set up a horizontal stabilizer bar such a part to solve this problem.
The design is for the mid-car front suspension design, the design task is to select the suspension and the various parts of the modeling and assembly. In order to be able to clearly and clearly show the design ideas and processes, the design of the first calculation of the suspension parameters, and then calculate the specific parts of the parameters, after the design of three-dimensional map, and the three-dimensional map assembly, and then export two-dimensional map, to design Requirements, and finally the suspension of the movement parameters of the analysis.
Key Words:McPherson independent suspension; 3D modeling; motion parameter analysis

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1悬架的作用 1
1.2 悬架的组成 1
1.3麦弗逊式独立悬架 2
1.4悬架的设计要求 2
1.5麦弗逊悬架的国内外发展情况 3
第2章 悬架分析设计 3
2.1悬架结构方案分析 3
2.2弹性元件 4
2.3减振元件 4
2.4传力构件及导向机构 4
2.5横向稳定器 5
本章小结 5
第3章 悬架主要参数的确定 6
3.1悬架频率的选择 6
3.2 悬架的工作行程 6
3.3悬架刚度计算 6
本章小结 7
第4章 悬架主要零件设计 8
4.1 螺旋弹簧的设计计算 8
4.1.1螺旋弹簧的刚度 8
4.1.2 弹簧的受力及变形 8
4.1.3 弹簧相关几何参数的计算 9
4.1.4弹簧校核 11
4.2 减振器结构类型的选择 11
4.2.1减振器结构参数的设计 14
4.3 横向稳定杆的设计 16
4.3.1 横向稳定杆的作用及结构 16
4.3.2 横向稳定杆参数的计算 16
4.3.3 稳定杆校核 18
本章小结 18
第五章 麦弗逊式独立悬架catia建模 19
5.1 麦弗逊独立悬架零部件的设计 19
5.2 对悬架系统零部件的总装 20
本章小结 21
第六章 悬架系统运动参数分析 22
6.1分析目标 22
6.2 仿真分析过程 22
6.3分析结果评价 23
6.3.1前轮外倾角分析 23
6.3.2前轮前束分析 24
6.3.3主销内倾角分析 24
6.3.4主销后倾角分析 25
本章小结 25
结论 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28