Since the second industrial revolution began, the automobile began to produce. From the production of the first car until now, the development of the automobile industry has been very rapid. There is a lot of technical support. Because of the rapid development, the types of cars are increased. With the increasing use of modern automobiles, the amount of energy used has also increased substantially. Especially after the 1960s, the drastic reduction in energy has led to the emergence of electric vehicles, and now with the acceleration of urban modernization, the rhythm of life Accelerated, most young people can not afford the price of cars, so many young people will choose to use pickup trucks as a means of transport and work needs. The newly-emerged urban miniature electric pickup trucks may be favored by many young people. This topic is to design the city miniature pure electric pickup truck body to meet the requirements of consumers and gain market recognition. The city miniature pure electric pickup truck combines the characteristics of a truck and a car and travels with the use of a motor. In the 21st century, the emphasis is on environmental protection. The use of electric power can reduce exhaust pollution, while also reducing energy usage and noise. At present, China is vigorously promoting and supporting pure electric vehicles. It can be said that this aspect of the policy is very generous. In recent years, both domestic and foreign countries have studied the pure electric pickup trucks, especially the developed countries such as the United States and Britain. So far the technology is not yet mature. In order to meet the needs of some young people, let them use the car to achieve one-vehicle multi-purpose and reduce the cost. This topic attempts to study and design the body part of urban miniature pure electric pickup trucks. The research and design of the vehicle body, aerodynamic analysis, and selection of materials will minimize the cost of the car, maximize its functions, and strive to obtain the highest economic efficiency while meeting the driving conditions.
lightweight; body modeling; surface; aerodynamics
因为设计的这款车型是在城市中代步工作同时使用,不宜选取也用不着过长的尺寸,为避免不必要的浪费资源和节省必要的空间,将车身的长宽高分别设定为2695mm、1663mm、1665mm。轴距依据参考,选取了长为1873mm。整车整备质量选取为920kg。前后轮选取同样的规格,都选取为165/60 R15的轮胎,离地间隙为140mm。以上为纯电动皮卡的一些基本参数。
2.3 汽车车身外形的确定

摘要 I
关键词: I
abstract II
Keywords: II
第一章:绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 研究背景 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究方法 3
第二章:汽车参数的选取与外形确定 4
2.1汽车车身功能及设计要求 4
2.1.1 汽车车身功能 4
2.1.2汽车车身设计要求 4
2.2汽车车身的参数选取 5
2.3 汽车车身外形的确定 7
第三章:汽车材料的选取 8
3.1 汽车上材料应用 8
3.2高强度钢的应用 8
3.3铝合金的应用 9
3.4 镁合金的应用 9
3.5 其他材料的应用 10
3.6 本章小结 10
第四章:汽车车身建模 11
4.1 Rhino 6简介 11
4.2 纯电动皮卡车身的建模 12
4.3轮胎建模 20
4.4 本章小结 24
第五章:空气动力学分析 25
5.1 分析软件的选择 25
5.2 对汽车外流场分析的准备 25
5.3 Xflow的应用 27
5.4 本章小结 30
第六章:总结与展望 31
6.1 本文总结 31
6.2 未来展望 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34