The fuel cell electric bus is a new energy bus that uses fuel cells to provide electric power to the electric drive system of a pure electric passenger car, using hydrogen gas as the main energy source, super capacitors or lithium batteries as an auxiliary energy source. Its high efficiency, environmental protection, low noise and vibration, make it the ideal vehicle in the future. The overall layout of the fuel cell bus needs to make full use of the principle of automotive ergonomics, design and arrange the various components scientifically and rationally in the car body to meet the high demand of new energy bus driver's maneuverability and passengers’ comfort.
The design is based on the principle and research content of the general layout of the bus body. Based on the principle of ergonomics, combined with the dynamic dimensions and static dimensions of the human body, select the driver's human body model that meets the actual conditions of the country and determine the range of activities.Determine the driver's seat installation position R point, and use this as a reference to determine the layout of the other driver's accessories to meet the driver's operating needs. Complete passenger area component settings, select suitable passenger seats and set reasonable installation clearances, and set armrests and baffles. Finally, the other components of the fuel cell bus were completed, including the selection and layout of air conditioners, heating and defrosting devices, passenger car interiors, and vehicle lighting fixtures.
Key words: Fuel Cell Electric Bus; Ergonomics; H point; Overall Layout of the Body
1.3 车身总布置设计思路
客车车身内部布置是一个建立在一定的标准基础上的系统工程,是经验和实践的结合体。车身总布置基础是确定以H点为基准的设计思路,H点是以驾驶员座椅为依据确定的,而驾驶员座椅又需与人体、方向盘、仪表板等密切相关,驾驶员又必须兼顾上肢与下肢的各种按钮、踏板等的操作;而仪表、踏板的位置又受到前围各种附件的布置结构影响,各种因素环环相扣,使得依据H点的确定需经过实践考验再一次次改进,因此在实际应用中,直接以H点为基准进行设计不能又好又快的实现各个部件的最优化设计。 车身内部布置是在整车形式、底盘、车身、造型等协同考虑下进行的。使进行车身内部布置是一个依据各种要求,满足功能基础上寻求最优化设计的过程。
1.4 主要研究内容

第1章 绪论 1
1.1燃料电池客车 1
1.2汽车人机工程学 1
1.3车身总布置设计思路 1
1.4主要研究内容 2
1.5本章小结 3
第2章 驾驶区布置设计 4
2.1人体尺寸及人体模型 4
2.1.1 人体静态尺寸 4
2.1.2人体动态尺寸 5
2.1.3 驾驶员眼椭圆 6
2.1.5 驾驶员手申及界面 7
2.1.4 人体模型的建立 8
2.2驾驶员座椅的设计布置 10
2.2.1 驾驶员座椅的主要设计要求 10
2.2.2驾驶员座椅的主要参数 11
2.2.3驾驶员H点的布置定位 11
2.2.4驾驶员座椅的选型布置 13
2.3转向盘与踏板组 15
2.3.1 转向盘 15
2.3.2 踏板组 15
2.4客车仪表台 15
2.5 驾驶区布置 16
2.6 驾驶员视野分析 18
2.6.1 前风窗视野分析 18
2.6.2 A柱双目障碍角 21
2.6.3 汽车后视野 22
2.7 本章小结 23
第3章 乘客区布置设计 24
3.1 乘客座椅的选型 24
3.2 乘客座椅间距的确定 24
3.3 乘客区座椅布置 25
3.4 乘客门的选型 26
3.5 护栏和扶手 27
3.6 本章小结 27
第4章 客车的其他部件 28
4.1 客车空调系统 28
4.1.1 空调系统的布置 28
4.1.2 压缩机、冷凝器和蒸发器 29
4.1.3空调的制冷量 30
4.1.3客车采暖和除霜装置 30
4.2客车内饰 31
4.2.1 顶盖内饰 31
4.2.2 侧围内饰 31
4.3客车后视镜 32
4.4客车灯具 32
4.4.1客车外部灯具 32
4.4.2 客车内部灯具 33
4.5其余附件 33
4.6 本章小结 34
结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37