Drive axle, which is located at the end of transmission system. It makes the car to move directly, therefore, we don’t have to talk about the importance again. Functionally, it also has a variety of uses, such as increasing the torque by reducing the speed of axle, distributing the torque to the wheel and making them on both sides roll at different speeds, etc. For the cars whose engines are put front of them,when we talk about their parts, firstly it is the main reducer, secondly it turns to differential, and then axle and finally here comes to the axle housing, sometimes there may be universal joints and other components. Whether the car is good or not is closely related to the design of drive axle, any slight design errors are very likely to cause severe consequences.
I have learnt a lot from the traditional ways, then I wrote what are followed. Taking XRV as the reference model, and put forward the corresponding design idea for the front steering axle. I looked up other cars which are similar with XRV, after that, I chose the parameters which I would use later and the types of different parts. Andfinally there are the appropriate strength check and process design. Not only to ensure the rationality of the structure and process, but also to meet the needs of vehicles, while reducing the difficulty of manufacturing, repair and maintenance as much as possible.
Key Words:drive axle;retarder;differential;axle shaft
5)轮胎规格:215/55 R17

摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2目的和意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
1.4课题研究内容、预期目标 2
第2章驱动桥总体设计 3
2.1 驱动桥结构方案的选定 3
2.2 驱动桥设计参数的选择 3
第3章主减速器设计 5
3.1 主减速器的结构形式 5
3.1.2 主减速器的减速形式 5
3.1.3 主减速器主、从动锥齿轮的支撑方式及调整 5
3.2 主减速器的基本参数选择与设计计算 6
3.2.1 主减速比的确定 6
3.2.2 主减速器计算载荷的确定 6
3.2.3 主减速器锥齿轮相关参数的选择 8
3.2.4 主减速器齿轮强度计算 11
3.2.5 主减速器齿轮的材料和热处理 15
3.2.6 主减速器齿轮几何尺寸的确定 16
3.3 主减速器锥齿轮轴承的校核 16
3.3.1轴承的载荷计算 16
3.3.2轴承的寿命计算 18
第4章差速器设计 20
4.1 差速器结构形式的选择 20
4.2 差速器齿轮设计 20
4.2.1差速器齿轮参数选择 20
4.2.2 差速器齿轮强度计算 22
4.3 差速器齿轮几何尺寸计算 23
第5章半轴设计 25
5.1 半轴的结构形式设计 25
5.2 半轴设计计算 25
5.3 半轴强度校核 25
5.4 半轴结构和工艺设计 26
第6章万向节设计 27
6.1 万向节结构的选取 27
6.2万向节设计计算 28
6.3 万向节材料 28
第7章驱动桥壳设计 29
第8章结论 30
参考文献 31
附录A 32
附录B 36
致谢 39