摘 要
With the continuous increase in the number of domestic off-road vehicles, non-
professional drivers are also increasing. Therefore, for the people, the car has good operability and driving comfort is also important, at this time,for the allocation of a sutiable automatic transmission is particularly important.
Hydraulic automatic transmission is mainly composed of hydraulic torque converter, planetary gear transmission and hydraulic control system. The main role of the torque converter is to make the car start smooth, slow down the impact load when shifting. And rely on gear transmission mechanism, you can increase the range of torque, access to reverse gear and neutral. This is a 2016 Prado 2.7L automatic standard version of the car as a reference model, according to its performance parameters to automatic transmission in the planetary gear transmission as a research object, to design a good job to meet the requirements of the gear speed mechanism. Therefore, this paper is mainly on the hydraulic automatic transmission planetary gears to complete the design calculation and modeling and assembly work.
Key words: Automatic transmission; hydraulic torque converter; planetary gear mechanism
设计要求:汽车总质量m(kg):2365 滚动半径r(m):0.388
发动机最大转矩 (N.m/rpm):246/3900
其它参数:滚动阻力系数f:0.020 最大爬坡度:0.3
道路阻力系数 :0.307 主减速比 :4.0
传动系总传动效率 :0.85 最低稳定车速 (km/h):3
道路附着系数 :0.6 发动机最低转速 (rpm):1000
变矩器失速变矩比K:2.6 变矩器失速转速比 :0.37

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状分析 1
1.3 研究的内容和方法 2
第2章 液力自动变速器 3
2.1 液力变矩器 3
2.2 行星齿轮变速器 4
第3章 行星齿轮机构的设计分析 6
3.1 行星齿轮变速器的结构 6
3.2 行星齿轮变速器的动力传递路线 6
3.3 各挡传动比表达式推导 7
3.4 各挡传动比计算 9
3.4.1 第1挡传动比的计算 9
3.4.2 各挡传动比的计算 10
3.5 行星齿轮机构结构尺寸设计 10
3.5.1 前排行星齿轮机构结构尺寸设计 10
3.5.2 拉维诺齿轮机构前行星排结构尺寸设计 13
3.5.3 拉维诺齿轮机构后行星排结构尺寸设计 15
3.6 行星齿轮传动的强度计算 18
3.6.1 前排行星齿轮机构的强度计算 18
3.6.2 拉维诺齿轮机构前行星排的强度计算 22
3.6.3 拉维诺齿轮机构后行星排的强度计算 25
3.7 涡轮轴直径计算 28
第4章 换挡执行元件的选择 29
4.1 离合器 29
4.2 制动器 30
4.3 单向离合器 31
第5章 总结与展望 33
5.1 总结 33
5.2 展望 34
参考文献 35
致 谢 36