This paper has carried out the design of a small electric vehicles, has carried on the preliminary design and calculation, coating process are discussed in detail on the car model of the application process and coating tools, coating materials, coating effect. 3D printing technology is introduced, through comparison of various major 3 d printing materials, including nylon glass fiber, durable nylon material, gypsum, aluminum, titanium, stainless steel, rubber and other material performance, surface quality and cost, and finally choose the liquid photosensitive resin material.
The best feature of this text is the combination of 3D printing technology and car coating technology. 3D printing technology used in the design of automobile modeling was carried out to explore. The personalized and in-kind of automobile modeling color design has been realized.
Key Words:3D printing; automobile coating; model;styling
序号 参数 数值
1 整车装备质量(kg) 700
2 长*宽*高(mm) 2110*1101*1040
3 轴距(mm) 1360
4 空气阻力系数 0.36
5 正迎风面积(m2) 2.1
6 质心高度(mm) 500
7 整车静止前轴承载系数 0.55
8 车轮半径(m) 0.25
9 主减速比 2.6
10 固定减速比 1.8
11 最高车速(km/h) 80
12 爬坡车速(km/h) 5
13 最大爬坡度 26
14 加速时间(s) 16
15 传动系效率 0.9
16 滚动阻力系数 0.015
17 电机过载系数 1.1
18 电机扩大恒功率区系数 2

第1章绪论 1
1.1 3D打印技术 1
1.2汽车涂装 2
第2章材料和工具 3
2.1打印材料选择 3
2.2涂装工具准备 4
第3章设计计算 7
3.1基本参数的确定 7
3.2电机的选择 7
3.2.1电机峰值功率及额定功率匹配 7
3.2.2电机最高转速和额定转速匹配 8
3.3电池组数量与容量选择 10
3.3.1电池的基本参数 10
3.3.2电池组数量的选择 10
3.3.3续航里程的计算 11
3.4模型车计算 11
第4章模型设计与总体布置 13
4.1底盘建模 13
4.2车轮的设计 14
4.3转向机构设计 14
4.4动力系统布置 15
第5章模型喷涂 17
5.1喷涂工艺路线分析 17
5.2打磨 18
5.2.1初次打磨 18
5.2.2中间打磨过程 18
5.2.3最后打磨 19
5.3上水补土 19
5.3.1初次水补 19
5.3.2二次水补 21
5.4上底漆 21
5.4.1一次底漆 21
5.4.2二次底漆 22
5.5上面漆 23
5.5.1一次面漆 23
5.5.2 二次面漆 23
5.6上光油和消光漆 24
5.7抛光 25
5.8总装 26
小结 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29