In general, the design of suspension is the core problem in the design and development of the whole vehicle, and it has always been a hot issue.Suspension is originally the general term for all transmission connections between the wheel and the frame (or body).It is designed to cushion the vibration or tilting of a car due to the force of centrifugal force during the bumpy road or steering.Therefore, in order to ensure the control stability and ride comfort of the car, a good suspension design scheme is particularly prominent.
This design task is to carry out the design calculation of the front suspension , from a popular car model of GMMC, and finish the strength check or fatigue strength analysis of key parts.Firstly, the description of the design specification is mainly about selecting the front suspension, and analyzing its advantages and disadvantages. Then I will have a target that the design content is the design of the McPherson suspension. After that, the key parts are explained in detail based on the design parameters of the vehicle, such as spiral spring and shock absorber. After the model of each key part is established by 3D software, the fatigue strength of other parts is analyzed,such as lower swing arm and horizontal stabilizer bar. With a series of design steps development, a qualified McPherson front suspension design was obtained.
Key words: suspension, McPherson, design, Outlander
表3.1 原始数据参数
原始数据参数名称 数据参数
车辆长*宽*高 4705*1810*1680mm
轴距 2670mm
前轮距 1540mm
满载质量 1985kg
前轴荷(满载状态) 990kg
单侧前簧载质量(满载状态) 438kg

第1章 绪论 1
1.1悬架的功用与结构 1
1.2悬架的分类 1
1.3汽车悬架发展情况 1
第2章 悬架的简介和选型 3
2.1独立悬架与非独立悬架优缺点分析与选择 3
2.1.1非独立悬架优缺点分析 3
2.1.2独立悬架优缺点分析 3
2.2独立悬架分类与结构形式分析 4
2.2.1独立悬架的分类与评价指标 4
2.2.2几种典型独立悬架的比较 4
2.2.3比较选型 7
第3章 麦弗逊式独立悬架设计 8
3.1设计概述 8
3.2麦弗逊悬架设计对应车型的初始数据 8
3.3悬架挠度的设计 9
3.3.1悬架静挠度 的选取 9
3.3.2悬架动挠度 的选取 10
3.3.3悬架弹性特性 10
3.4螺旋弹簧的设计和计算 11
3.4.1弹簧参数的计算选择 11
3.4.2车辆满载状态计算刚度 12
3.4.3按照满载状态选取弹簧几何尺寸 12
3.4.4螺旋弹簧的校核 13
3.4.5小结 13
3.5减振器的设计 13
3.5.1减振器的分类与选型 13
3.5.2双筒式减振器的结构与工作原理 14
3.5.3相对阻尼系数 的选择 14
3.5.4减振器阻尼系数 的确定 15
3.5.5最大卸荷力 的确定 16
3.5.6减振器主要尺寸的选择 16
3.6导向机构的设计 17
3.6.1导向机构的设计要求 17
3.6.2导向机构作用以及选型 17
3.6.3前下摆臂疲劳分析报告 17
3.7 辅助元件的设计 20
3.7.1 横向稳定杆的作用 20
3.7.2横向稳定杆连杆疲劳分析 20
第4章 结论 24
参考文献 25
附录 26
致谢 30