来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D25341 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D25341
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This paper utilizes the finite element software HyperWorks to realize the optimal design of 2015 HUST FSAE frame. First a finite element model is established for frame using BEAM element, thenthe stress and transformation of the frame have been analyzed in four kinds of working conditions, which includes full load bending working condition, full load twisting working condition, full load accelerating working condition and full load turning working condition. According to the analysis results and the 2016 Formula SAE regulations, the optimization occurs based on the original frame model. The optimization achieved light weight on the premise of satisfying all performance requirements.
This thesis mainlystudy the frame structure of FSAE racer, grasp the structure features and requirements, analyze the stiffness and strength, and finally optimize the frame.
The research result shows that the total mass of the frame have been decreased from 30.8kg to 27.6kg, which lightens 7.1%. And the experiment proves that the optimized frame can greatly satisfied the requirements of strength and stiffness.
What makes this paper different from the past is that most of the previous researcher usually use 2D element to build the frame FEA model, which is tedious and complex. And the elements between joints is difficult to divide. The BEAM element can greatly simplify the process of building and analyzing.
Key words: FSAE; frame; Hypermesh; FEA; optimizationdesign

第1章绪论 1
1.1 FSAE赛事介绍 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.3 本文优化设计内容 6
第2章 FESA车架有限元模型 7
2.1有限元理论 7
2.2 HperMesh软件介绍 7
2.3 FSAE车架有限元模型创建 8
2.3.1 FSAE车架三维模型 8
2.3.2 车架梁单元的建立 9
第3章车架刚度强度分析 16
3.1 满载弯曲工况 16
3.1.1 满载弯曲工况下的载荷和约束 16
3.1.2 满载弯曲工况分析结果 17
3.2 满载扭转工况 20
3.2.1 满载扭转工况下的载荷和约束 20
3.2.2 满载扭转工况分析结果 21
3.3 满载加速工况 24
3.3.1 满载加速工况下的载荷和约束 24
3.3.2 满载加速工况分析结果 25
3.4 满载转弯工况 27
3.4.1 满载转弯工况下的载荷和约束 27
3.4.2 满载转弯工况分析结果 28
3.5 四种工况分析结果总结 31
第4章车架结构优化设计 32
4.1 2016年FASE赛事车架规范 32
4.2 车架优化设计模型建立 36
4.2.1 建立设计变量 37
4.2.2 建立约束条件 37
4.2.3 建立优化目标 39
4.3 优化结果分析 40
4.3.1 优化后的设计变量 40
4.3.2 优化目标结果及约束条件满足情况 41
第5章优化后车架的刚度强度 43
5.1 满载弯曲工况 43
5.2 满载扭转工况 46
5.3 满载加速工况 49
5.4 满载转弯工况 52
5.5 小结 55
第6章模态分析 57
6.1 模态分析理论 57
6.2 车架模态分析模型建立 58
6.3 模态分析结果 59
第7章总结 63
7.1 全文总结 63
7.2展望 64
参考文献 66
致谢 68