With the development of national economy, the number of cars in our country is increasing year by year, so the demand of automobile performance is gradually improved. As one of the essential parts of the automobile, the window lifter affects the comfort, safety and reliability of the car. The Arm-style Glass Regulator, which is widely used in the automobile, has the advantages of stable operation, simple structure and low cost. In this paper, the structural design process and the determination of the parameters of the Arm-style Glass Regulator are introduced. Finally, the strength of the arm type glass lifter is checked. Through the reasonable design of the parameters of the Arm-style Glass Regulator, it can meet the requirements of various applications. And by the optimization of the components, we can make the machine meet the requirements of the vehicle safety, comfort and reliability as much as possible.
Key word: Window regulator; Fork-arm; structural design

第1章绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2玻璃升降器的分类 1
1.3玻璃升降器的发展 2
1.3.1国外玻璃升降器的发展 2
1.3.2国内玻璃升降器的发展 2
1.4设计的主要内容 3
第2章升降器设计要点分析 4
2.1叉臂式玻璃升降器工作原理 4
2.2玻璃运行轨迹以及门框高度的分析 4
2.3理想工作平面的设计 5
2.4升降器厚度和安装基准面的确定 6
2.5中位线、大臂旋转中心的确定 6
2.6升降器支撑区域的确定 7
2.7升降器传动比的选择 8
2.8升降器零件造型要点 8
2.8.1长短滑槽造型要点 8
2.8.2小臂造型要点 9
2.8.3大臂造型要点 10
2.8.4齿板造型要点 11
2.8.5座板造型要点 11
第3章升降器设计过程 13
3.1车门玻璃参数的选取 13
3.2玻璃运行轨迹的确定 13
3.3理想工作平面以及升降器厚度的确定 14
3.4中位线、小齿轮中心、大臂旋转中心的选取 15
3.5长短滑槽尺寸的选取 15
3.6座板尺寸的确定 15
3.7大小臂尺寸的选取 17
3.8齿板齿数的确定 20
3.9大小臂折弯高度的确定 20
第4章升降器受力分析及强度校核 23
4.1升降器受力分析 23
4.1.1上升过程升降器受力分析 23
4.1.2下降过程升降器受力分析 26
4.1.3电机堵转时升降器受力分析 29
4.2升降器的强度校核 31
第5章结论 33
5.1总结 33
5.2展望 33
参考文献 34
附录 35
致谢 36