Automotive transmissions are very important for the automotive drivetrain, which allows the car to travel at different speeds at different speeds and to allow the car to travel backwards. This paper describes the structure of the transmission of a particular parameter truck. First, the structural scheme of the transmission is determined, including the design requirements, the reverse gear type, the shift type and the bearing type. And then use the basic design formula, the transmission center distance, the gear tooth width and modulus and other related initial value, and then through the center distance from the balance to calculate the gears of the relevant gear meshing gear. Finally, the gear and shaft and other parts of the strength and stiffness of the check to test whether the primary parameters meet the requirements. This design to meet the basic requirements of the conditions, and strive to make the transmission structure is simple, easy to manufacture, easy maintenance, resulting in less noise.
Key Words:Truck; transmission; three-axis; center distance;

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1目的及意义 1
1.2国内外的研究现状 1
第2章总体方案的确定 2
2.1技术参数 2
2.2设计应满足的基本要求 2
2.3变速器的总体结构方案 3
2.4倒档的型式及布置方案 4
2.5换档的结构型式 5
2.6轴承型式 6
第3章变速器总体尺寸和参数的确定 7
3.1变速器档数及各档传动比 7
3.1.1变速器档数的确定 7
3.1.2变速器各档传动比的确定 7
3.2中心距 9
3.3变速器轴向尺寸 9
第4章变速器齿轮零件的设计计算 10
4.1齿轮参数的确定 10
4.1.1模数 10
4.1.2压力角 11
4.1.3齿轮螺旋角 11
4.1.4齿宽b 11
4.1.5各档齿轮齿数的分配 12
4.2确定各档齿轮的齿数 12
第5章变速器各档齿轮的校核 16
5.1齿轮的损坏形式 16
5.2计算各轴的转矩 16
5.3计算齿轮的强度 17
5.3.1校核各档齿轮弯曲应力 17
5.3.2校核各档齿轮接触应力 20
第6章变速器轴的设计和校核 25
6.1轴的直径的初步确定 25
6.2变速器轴的校核 25
6.2.1输出轴上齿轮的受力分析 26
6.2.2输出轴的刚度校核 27
6.2.3输出轴的强度校核 29
6.3输出轴轴承的校核 31
第7章变速器操纵机构 32
结论 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35