摘 要
With the advancement of technology and economic development, China's auto industry increasingly powerful, car ownership has also increased, therefore the probability of occurrence of car crashes in a variety of environments is also greatly improved, many people have died. The maximum probability of occurrence of accidents is a side collision, it is also one of the highest mortality event. Side of the car door is, the intensity is weak. Not the same bumper beam structure results in different strength, so pick a different structure can improve the car crash low risk, reduce casualties, I'm going to the car crash beam to optimize the design.
Different structures of the same material of the present thesis on the impact of the collision caused the beam. A change in the form of elaborate bumper beam structure or materials derived contrast weight and performance. Use joist, beam or concave mouth-beam structure ug / catia, ansys design and analysis of the best lay out design, the performance of the bumper beam best play.
With the development of economy and technology, more and more car manufacturers and research institutions have recognized the computer simulation method validation by the purpose of the study and the use of ug / catia modify bumper beam model, additional components deletion model, and then ug / import ansys catia model generated using ansys mesh to form a finite element model to simulate the collision argument then use this finite element analysis software, structural strength of the bumper beam and crash cars to analyze and calculate the yield the calculation results with the experimental data were compared to verify the reasonableness of simulation experiments, provide technical reference for automotive collision simulation analysis.
Comprehensive simulation results, the collision of the vehicle is the most damaging hole in the beam, followed by the concave-beam, I-beam is minimal.
Through simulation of the collision, I wrote in this paper about the collision impact force to the bumper beam structure for strength testing method, and geometric model of the present paper established to do strength analysis, the strain and stress results, more than this yield limit of the material, it is possible to break. And then the beginning of the impact beams were three forms of optimization, it would be conversion to beams, beams and recessed port beam, and once again the strength checking optimization results. Then, the stress impact beams received back into the material yield limit, thereby demonstrating my idea of enforceability.
The classic paper on how the use of finite element analysis of stress distribution by the bumper beam energy when introduced. I observe the implementation of the finite element analysis of crash beam approach based on creating a more plump finite element analysis process. The first is to create a model of good crash beams, followed by mesh, then the implementation of the constraints and load beam structure, the end of the calculation and analysis of the outcome of the comprehensive deviation obtained displacement and stress analysis of reference images. Through this paper, we have a low level of understanding of the finite element analysis methods in the design of modern technology, the use of the method, but also learned a little sense of new knowledge, though it is fur, but also feel a deep, refreshing, happy for them.
Keywords: ansys, beam structure, finite element, static analysis.

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 防撞梁的介绍 1
1.2 研究背景 2
1.3 汽车碰撞国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 国外研究现状 3
1.3.2 国内研究现状 3
1.4 国内外防撞梁结构强度研究概况 4
1.5 汽车侧面碰撞的研究方法 5
1.6 目前的汽车防撞梁研究现状 6
1.6.1 目前防撞梁的研究 7
1.7 课题主要研究内容 8
第2章 防撞梁撞击变形基本理论分析 10
2.1弹塑性变形理论 10
2.1.1 金属材料拉伸时的力学性能 10
2.1.2 弹塑性模型的简化 11
2.1.3 材料的强化模型 12
2.2 用于碰撞过程的基本定理 13
2.2.1 冲量定理 14
2.2.2 冲量矩定理 14
2.3 汽车防撞梁变形过程中的能量分析 14
2.3.1 能量的转化 15
2.3.2 汽车吸能装置的基本要求 16
2.4 薄壁构件变形理论 16
2.5 小结 17
第3章 碰撞研究的非线性有限元法 18
3.1引言 18
3.2 非线性有限元法基本理论 18
3.2.1线性有限元的回顾 18
3.2.2 有限元方法的三个基本步骤 19
3.2.3 等参单元 19
3.3 非线性有限元法基本理论 20
3.4 有限元数值模拟理论 20
3.5 有限元算法 20
3.5.1 拉格朗日法(LAGRANGE) 21
3.5.2 欧拉法(EULER) 21
3.5.3任意欧拉-拉格朗日法(ALE) 21
3.6 拉格朗日有限元算法介绍 21
3.7单元选择 22
3.8 接触问题 23
3.8.1 接触类型 23
3.8.2 接触算法 24
3.9 本次计算的相关软件介绍 25
3.10 小结 26
第4章 ANSYS/LS.DYNA功能和理论简介 27
4.1 ANSYS/LS.DYNA概况 27
4.2 ANSYS/LS.DYNA程序功 27
4.2.1单元和材料类型 27
4.2.2 接触分析模块 28
4.2.3 沙漏理论及简化积分 29
4.2.4 LS-DYNA前后处理 29
第5章 防撞梁结构性能分析 31
5.3参数设定 35
5.4网格划分 36
展望致谢 45
参考文献 46