The main purpose of this paper is to rollover test requirements as the main target, then Weihu TUV pickup for the reference to the prototype design a can meet the test vehicle rollover test requirements. Rollover accident as a greater risk in an auto accident accident, on the status and causes of inquiry experiment, the design of car in the test will be applied in this, in order to provide reliable experimental data in the experiment.
This design with CATIA 3D modeling of parts, also with CAXA software on the test car assembly map rendering, including part of the main parts. The finite element analysis of the frame of the experimental vehicle is carried out by HyperMesh to obtain the strength analysis of the frame.
The results show that the design of the protection device meets the requirements of the safety and reliability of the experiment, and not affect the normal operation of the test vehicle, in line with the original intention of the design.
Keywords: rollover protection device test, test car, finite element analysis

第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的目的,背景及意义 1
1.1.1研究目的及意义. 1
1.1.2研究背景和国内外现状. 1国外研究现状 1国内研究现状 2
1.2 研究内容及技术方案 2
第2章 设计与计算 4
2.1.试验车的选择 4
2.2.基本应用参数的计算 4
2.3汽车侧翻的分析 6
2.3.1刚性汽车的准静态侧翻 7
2.3.2带悬架汽车的准静态侧翻 8
2.4侧翻实验 9
2.5试验车的设计 10
2.5.1保护装置的要求 10
2.5.2 保护装置的方案 11
2.5.3保护装置的尺寸 13
2.5.4杆件结构参数的确定 14
2.5.5轮胎安装形式与尺寸确定 16
2.6侧翻状态的分析 16
第3章 保护装置的强度校核 18
3.1.横杆的强度计算 18
3.2.转向节的强度计算 18
3.3.连接处的强度计算 19
第4章 对车架的分析 22
4.1.对于有限元方法的论述 22
4.2.软件介绍 23
4.3操作过程及分析 23
4.3.1.保护装置处于工作状态 24
4.3.2.保护装置处于非工作状态 25
4.4对于车架的强度分析的总结 27
第五章 总结 28
参考文献 29
致谢 31