摘 要
As an important part of the car assembly, the gearbox is responsible for changing the speed and speed of the engine drive to the driving wheel. As the main transmission system, the transmission structure have very high demand, with the car's performance, combustion fuel economy, driving stability and portability of the operation.
This design is the intermediate shaft type 5 manual transmission, skillfully use and master the mechanical principle, mechanical design, car design, gear design and all kinds of software on the basis of complete. Due to the limited use of the 5-block transmission, the reasonable structure scheme was soon established and the design was carried out. The design of gear transmission, the determination of the basic parameters of the gear, the design of the synchronizer, the design of the shaft, the design of the shaft, the selection of the bearing, etc. In addition, the calculation of force analysis of important parts and strength stiffness is used to select suitable engineering materials and heat treatment methods.
Key Words:Transmission;Gear;Design and Calculation;Analysis

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 变速器的概念和类型 1
1.2 汽车变速器国内外发展趋势 1
1.3 本次设计目的 2
第2章 变速器的总体方案设计 3
2.1变速器的功用和要求 3
2.2变速器传动机构布置方案 3
2.2.1传动机构布置方案分析 3
2.2.2换挡结构形式的选择 5
2.2.3 倒挡的形式及布置方案 6
2.3 零件选择方案 6
2.3.1 齿轮形式 6
2.3.2 变速器轴承 7
2.4 变速器操纵机构 8
2.4.1 变速器操纵机构的功用 8
2.4.2 变速器操纵机构基本要求 8
第3章变速器的设计计算 9
3.1变速器主要参数的选择 9
3.1.1福田奥铃中型货车基本参数的确定 9
3.1.2变速器挡数的确定 9
3.1.3变速器传动比范围的确定 9
3.1.4中心距A的确定 11
3.1.5变速器轴向尺寸 12
3.1.6齿轮参数 12
第4章齿轮参数计算 15
4.1确定一挡齿轮的齿数 15
4.1.2对中心距进行修正 16
4.1.3确定常啮合齿轮的齿数 16
4.1.4确定二挡齿轮的齿数 17
4.1.5确定三挡齿轮的齿数 18
4.1.6确定四挡齿轮的齿数 18
3.2.7确定倒挡齿轮参数 19
4.2变位系数的计算 19
4.3各齿轮参数的确定 20
4.3.1变位齿轮各参数确定公式 21
4.3.2变速器一挡齿轮参数 21
4.3.3变速器二挡齿轮参数 22
4.3.4变速器三挡齿轮参数 22
4.3.5变速器四挡齿轮参数 23
4.3.6变速器常啮合齿轮参数 23
4.3.7变速器倒挡齿轮参数 24
4.4计算各轴的转矩 24
第5章强度校核 25
5.1齿轮结构 25
5.1.1齿轮弯曲强度计算 25
5.1.2齿轮接触强度计算 27
5.2同步器的选择及设计 28
5.3变速器轴的结构及强度计算 30
5.3.1确定轴的尺寸 30
5.3.2轴的刚度计算 30
第6章其他总成设计 33
6.1变速器操纵机构 33
6.2变速器箱体的设计 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36