首先,对道路车辆统一诊断服务(Unit diagnostic services, UDS)进行了深入研究。对车载CAN网络工作方式、通信协议ISO 15765和ISO 14229的具体协议内容进行了详细的研究,并据此进行相应的故障报文传输流程设计和采用标准的故障码格式进行纯电动汽车故障编码。
With the increasing demand for vehicle emission performance in the world, the new energy vehicles have become an important direction for the development of car enterprises all over the world. In 2016 the State Council "13th Five-Year" strategic emerging industry planning clear new energy vehicles in a strategic position in china. In the development strategy of new energy vehicles, pure electric vehicle is one of the most important parts. The rapid development of pure electric vehicles makes the security issues more and more attention, but the pure electric vehicle fault diagnosis protocol standard is still not perfect, need to carry out more research to ensure the safe operation of electric vehicles. Based on the road vehicle unified diagnosis protocol, the fault diagnosis system and the external diagnostic equipment of the whole vehicle controller are developed.
First of all, the road vehicle unified diagnosis service (Unit diagnostic services, UDS) has been studied in depth. The contents of the specific protocol working mode, vehicle CAN network communication protocol ISO 15765 and ISO 14229 are studied in detail, and accordingly design a fault message transmission process and the corresponding standard fault code format for pure electric vehicle fault encoding.
Secondly, the fault diagnosis function of the pure electric vehicle is studied. According to the pure electric vehicle drive system, battery management system, CAN network and other possible faults analysis, and to develop a sound fault diagnosis process.
Finally, the fault diagnosis system is developed according to the diagnostic communication protocol and the fault diagnosis logic of the pure electric vehicle. A fault diagnosis system is developed in Code Warrior software, and the use of fly Carle MC9S12X S128 development board as the hardware experiment, using the Lab VIEW software fault injection system and external diagnostic instrument, test the performance of fault diagnosis system test.
In this paper, the fault diagnosis model of pure electric vehicle controller is studied, which has positive significance for the development of vehicle safety.
Key Words:Pure Electric Vehicle; VCU; Fault Diagnosis;UDS

第1章绪论 1
1.1 论文研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 纯电动汽车及其故障诊断模式研究现状 3
1.2.1 纯电动汽车发展现状 3
1.2.2 电动汽车控制系统研究现状 4
1.2.3 故障诊断系统研究现状 6
1.3 本文主要研究内容 6
第2章 CAN总线原理及诊断协议标准 8
2.1 CAN通信协议及车载故障诊断网络简介 8
2.2 CAN总线原理 9
2.2.1 CAN总线结构原理 9
2.2.2 CAN总线节点分层结构 10
2.2.3 CAN总线技术规范 12
2.3 诊断协议标准 15
2.3.1 诊断通信流程及方式 15
2.3.2 诊断通信定时设置 16
2.3.3 诊断通信服务 17
2.3.4 故障诊断码格式 17
2.4 本章小结 19
第3章纯电动汽车整车控制器故障诊断功能 20
3.1 纯电动汽车整车控制器 20
3.2 VCU诊断对象及诊断方式 21
3.2.1 故障诊断监控对象 21
3.2.2 故障诊断方式 21
3.3 驱动系统故障 23
3.3.1 常见故障 23
3.3.2 驱动系统故障处理策略 24
3.4 动力电池故障 27
3.4.1常见故障 27
3.4.2 电池管理系统故障处理策略 29
3.5 CAN网络通信故障 30
3.5.1 常见故障 30
3.5.2 CAN网络故障处理策略 31
3.6 整车控制器故障诊断功能 31
3.6.1 故障分级 32
3.6.2 故障处理原则 32
3.6.3 VCU故障诊断策略 33
3.7 本章小结 37
第4章整车控制器故障诊断系统开发 38
4.1 整车控制器硬件选型 38
4.1.1整车控制器硬件设计需求 38
4.1.2 故障诊断模块硬件选型 39
4.2 整车控制器故障诊断模块程序设计 40
4.2.1 诊断模块开发环境CodeWarrior介绍 40
4.2.2 诊断模块程序开发 40
4.3 故障诊断系统开发 43
4.3.1 上位机软件开发环境LabVIEW介绍 43
4.3.2 模拟信号注入程序 44
4.3.3 CAN通信故障注入程序 46
4.3.4 故障诊断系统开发 48
4.4 故障诊断系统的测试 50
第5章总结与展望 52
5.1 全文总结 52
5.2 未来展望 52
参考文献 54
附录A 动力电池组故障树 56
附录B 两路加速踏板信号选择流程图 59
附录C 整车控制器故障诊断程序 60
附录D 故障编码 68
致谢 72