来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D27308 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27308
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关键词:汽车平顺性 振型分析 二自由度 逆向建模
This thesis mainly introduces the study of ride comfort of light buses. Based on some theoretical overviews of evaluation indicators for automobile ride comfort, some discussions were made on the human body and vehicle models. Combined with the statistical analysis of road irregularities, the two-degree-of-freedom vehicle vibration model was analyzed and combined. The actual parameters have been used to calculate some vibration features. The calculations of the two-degree-of-freedom system's solid frequency and amplitude-frequency characteristics have been given.Based on the analysis of two degrees of freedom, the more practical and practical four-free vibration analysis was further discussed, and the vibration of the two-axle vehicle was calculated and elaborated. Finally, the three-dimension laser scanning and point cloud data processing of the rear wheel hub of the vehicle are performed and inversely modeled in CATIA.
In this graduation project, I learned and learned a lot of knowledge that was not available in textbooks. I also consolidated and absorbed the knowledge in the textbooks, learned the development of automotive research, and mastered very useful modeling software. . At the same time also learned a lot of knowledge on graphics.
Key Words: Car smoothness; Mode shape analysis; Two degrees of freedom; Inverse modeling

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 论文研究的背景意义 1
1.2 汽车平顺性的研究情况 1
1.3 主要研究的工作内容 2
1.3.1 汽车行驶平顺性评价指标 2
1.3.2 人体对振动的反应 2
1.3.3 悬架结构 3
第二章 汽车平顺性 4
2.1 人体对振动的反应和平顺性的评价 4
2.1.1 人体对振动的反应 4
2.1.2 汽车平顺性评价方法 7
2.2 路面不平度统计特性 9
2.2.1 路面不平度的功率谱密度 9
2.2.2 空间功率谱密度 化为时间功率谱密度 9
第三章 汽车二自由度振动模型 11
3.1 汽车系统的简化 11
3.2 运动方程的求解与振型分析 13
3.2.1 运动方程的建立与求解 14
3.2.2 车身车轮振动的振型分析 17
3.2.3 车身、车轮的频率计算分析 21
第四章 双轴汽车四自由度的振动分析 23
4.1 振型分析 23
4.2 采用 、 坐标系时的无阻尼自由振动运动方程 24
4.3 经济性分析 25
第五章 三维激光扫描技术 27
5.1 逆向工程与三维激光扫描技术 27
5.1.1 逆向工程的主要技术 27
5.1.2 三维激光扫描技术 28
5.2 数据采集与预处理 28
5.2.1 三维扫描 28
5.2.2 点云处理 30
5.3 曲面重构及实体化 31
5.4三位数模转二维工程图设计 34
5.4.1 基本视图的创建 34
5.4.2 轴测图的创建 35
5.4.3 尺寸公差的标注 35
总结与展望 36
参考文献 37
致谢 39