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Drum brakes have inner and outer beam-type, now the inner is mainstream in the formula, It uses a brake shoe with friction plate as a fixed part, Located inside outward rotation of the drum brake shoes at one end of the actuation force when the bear can be around the other side of the fulcrum.,and pressed against the cylindrical surface of the inner drum brake product the brake torque.
Firstly, the article hydraulic system of the car a brief overview, have a analysis to the strcture and the priciple of the drum brake. Detail of the drum brake structure, working principle and the advantages and disadvantages. Then according to the type of light passenger and vehicle parameters calculate the braking force, the braking force distribution coefficient and other related parameters. It follows that get the structural parameters of the brake, and checking. Formulas used herein are from reference materials.
Keyword: Drum brakes, the braking force, the braking force distribution coefficient, brake factor.
(1) 整车最大总质量:满载4020kg 空载2850 kg
(2) 轴距:3310mm
(3) 轮胎规格:195-75 R14
(4) 最高车速:120km/h
(5) 前轴载荷:满载1590 kg 空载1340 kg
(6) 后轴载荷:满载2430 kg 空载1510 kg
(7) 整车重心高:满载1095 mm 空载1010 mm
(8) 制动踏板比:4.545

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
第二章 汽车液压制动系概述 2
2.1汽车液压制动系概述 2
2.2 汽车液压制动系统设计分解模型 4
第三章 鼓式制动器简介 6
3.1鼓式制动器的工作原理 6
3.2鼓式制动器的分类及相关介绍 7
第四章鼓式制动器设计计算 9
4.1汽车前后车轮制动力理想分配设计计算原理 9
4.2汽车最大减速度下制动力矩设计计算原理 13
4.3行车制动器参数设计原理 15
4.3.1鼓式制动器参数设计: 16
4.3.2.鼓式制动器校核计算 18
参考文献 23
总结 24
致谢 25