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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D28083 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D28083
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The automotive industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the world, and the prospects for the automotive industry are still very impressive.And the front axle of the car is one of the important parts of large passenger cars and trucks, and is used to withstand impact loads.The shape of the front axle of the car is complex, and the manufacturing is multi-purpose using a forging process.Simulating the die forging process of automobile front axle forgings, analyzing the potential defects of forgings, and optimizing the forging process of forgings, it is of great significance for the company to improve the quality of forgings and reduce the scrap rate of forgings.
This paper studies the development status of the current world automobile industry, the research background and research status of forging technology in various countries, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various forging schemes and how to choose when facing different forgings.On the basis of the above, the finite element analysis software DEFORM was used to simulate the forging of the integral forging of a car's front axle. In this design, several forging process parameters such as forging temperature and forging pressure were simulated several times. Finally, it was concluded that under the same forging pressure, the higher the forging temperature, the smaller the stress on the forging; in the same forging at the temperature, the smaller the forging speed, the less stress the forging receives. The optimum forging parameters obtained from the secondary design are a forging temperature of 1200 degrees and a forging speed of 40 mm/s. The design also yields the highest temperature of the forging heat transfer and the stress change of the mold during forging. This design provides a scientific basis for reducing the forging cost, shortening the design cycle of forging dies and improving the quality of forgings.
Key Words:moulddesign; forging process;finite element; simulation



目录    I
第1章绪论    1
1.1课题研究的背景及意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3课题研究内容与目标    2
第2章前轴锻造工艺设计    3
2.1零件工艺性分析    3
2.2前轴锻件锻造设计    3
2.2.1分模面的确定    3
2.2.2公差和加工余量    3
2.2.3确定模锻斜度    5
2.2.4圆角半径    5
2.2.5确定锻件热收缩率    6
2.3锻造模具的设计    6
2.3.1型腔的设计    6
2.3.2模具飞边槽确定    6
第3章有限元仿真    8
3.1有限元分析概念    8
3.2有限元仿真原理    8
3.2.1刚塑性有限元法基本假设    8
3.2.2刚塑性变分原理    9
3.3刚塑性有限元求解过程    9
第4章汽车前轴锻造过程的有限元仿真    10
4.1 DEFORM软件介绍    10
4.2 DEFORM仿真分析    11
4.2.1模拟方案设计    11
4.2.2模拟过程    12
4.3模拟结果分析    17
4.3.1锻造速度的影响    17
4.3.2锻造温度的影响    18
4.3.3模具的温度    20
4.3.4模具的受力    21
第5章总结与展望    23
参考文献    24
致谢    26
