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摘 要:本文通过分析和比较我国和德国宝马汽车回收产业的实际情况,总结出影响汽车回收技术发展的因素,然后分别从汽车设计阶段、使用阶段、回收利用阶段这三个主要影响因素来分析我国汽车绿色回收技术的发展。根据分析结果提出未来发展趋势的汽车回收系统。并从宝马车现有的管理模式结合我国的实际情况,建立符合国内的汽车回收系统,它侧重从科学的角度来对废旧汽车的回收过程进行管理,包括回收→处理→再利用的过程,形成一个完整的体系。为了更好的指导汽车回收技术的发展,本文对汽车回收技术发展策略进行分析。为我国汽车回收技术的发展提供参考。
Modern and Research of Baoma Green Vehicle Recycle
Abstract:By analyzing and comparing the actual conditions of our country and BAOMA to the development of automobile recovery industry, this paper summarizes the impact factors of automobile recovery technology. this paper aims to analyze the technology development of automobile recovery from the aspects of the stage of the design of the vehicle, use and vehicle recycling. According to the result of analyzing the direction of our policy and future development of vehicle recycling, this paper tries to set up a recycling system which lays its emphasis on the management of End-of-Life Vehicle recovery from the point of science. This system concludes the procedures of recycling, disposing and reusing which connect with each other. They finally form a rounded system. The premise is the completion of the End-of-Life Vehicle recovery system. In order to guide the better development of automobile recovery technology, this paper tries to analyze the strategies of it which give the reference to the development of vehicle recycling in China.
Key words:Baoma; Vehicle; Green recycle
