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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D13384 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D13384
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摘 要

 Cyclical Wave Energy Converter
Systems and methods use cyclical propellers with dynamic blade angle control to extract power from waves. A control system for such implementations can adapt pitching schedules for the blades of the cyclical propellers for efficient energy extraction and/or to control reactive forces. The cyclical propellers may be installed on the floor of a body of water or other liquid, on a submarine, or on a surface float, and blades may extend vertically or horizontally depending on the character of the waves. Several cyclical propellers can be combined into a single unit operated to minimize reactive forces and torques, to propel the unit horizontally or vertically, and/or to stabilize the unit. Such units can be installed with minimal or no moorings.

Key words:  Dynamic blade ; Extract power ; Waves ; Torques

目 录
摘 要    II
Abstract    III
1 绪 论    1
1.1 课题研究背景    1
1.2 波能发电装置研究的国内外现状    1
1.3 波能发电装置的研究意义及发展前景    2
2 周期循环波能发电装置结构设计    4
2.1 基本原理    4
2.2 流程概述    5
2.3 结构部件设计    6
3 结论    14
参考文献    15
致 谢    16
