摘 要
关键词: 破碎比; 主轴设计; 高生产量
The primary crusher selection is the key to the success of the mining, quarry or industrial mineral operation that involves there duction in the size of rock, ore or material. The crushing equipment standard to the mineral industries has been gyratory, double toggle jaw, single toggle jaw, high speed roll, low speed sizer, impactor, hammer mill and feeder breaker. There were advantagesand disadvantages for any crusher, so that the selection of suitable primary crusher is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. Analytic hierarchy process is a well-known method for solving decision-making problems. In that method, pairwise comparisons are performed by the decision-maker (DM) and then the pairwise comparison matrix and the eigenvector are derived to specify the weights of each parameter in the problem. The weights guide the DM in choosing the superior alternative [1]. This method has been used for a variety of specific application in decision making problem such as equipment selection in open pit mining, selection of optimal reclamation method, rock mass rating, tailing dam site selection, underground mining method selection, selection of optimum mining method, Choosing shaft sinking method, Determining proper strategies for dimensional stone mines, equipment selection and selection of material handling equipment system [2-12]; however, its application in primary crusher selection has not been reported yet.In this paper, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used for primary crusher selection for Golegohar Iron Mine in Iran. For this purpose, capacity, feed size, product size, rock compressive strength, abrasion index and application of primary crusher for mobile plants have conceded as important criteria.
Key words: broken up ratio; spindale design; high-capacity

目 录
第一章 前言 1
1.1破碎机背景及发展前景 1
第二章总体方案设计 3
2.1 破碎机箱体设计 3
2.2 破碎机进料口设计 4
2.3 锤体设计 5
2.4 破碎机进料口盖板设计 5
第三章破碎机机体盖设计 6
第四章电机选择 9
第五章带传动设计 9
第六章主轴设计 15
第七章轴承选择 17
7.1 轴承选择 17
7.2 轴承寿命计算 17
第八章键的强度校核 19
8.1 键的选择 19
8.2 键连接的强度校核 19
第九章机体底座设计和机架选择 20
总结 21
谢辞 22
参考文献 23
外文资料翻译 24