The design of mec hanical hand gripper
Pneumatic manipulator is a automated devices that can mimic the human hand and arm movements to do something,aslo can according to a fixed procedure to moving objects or control tools.
It can work in dangerous working environments to protect the personal safety, Therefore widely used in machine building, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and atomic energy sectors.This article is mainly of the pneumatic manipulator the overall design, and pneumatic design. This mechanism of manipulator includes cylinders and claws and connectors parts, it can move according to the due track on the movement of grabbing, carrying and unloading.
in the prescribed procedure work.Small twisted paper broken machine for ordinary home, not only can be used for minced meat, can also be used with crushed peanuts, crushed ice, spices and other food, small power requirements, powered by the motor drive, reasonable structure design, can meet the family kitchen generally meat food consisting mainly of minced required.
Key words:sturcermonickouey;the machine cylinder;pneumatic loop;degrees
2 机械手夹持器结构的设计
2.1 机械手夹持器的总体方案图
2.2 机械手夹持器的工作原理

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1本课题研究的内容 1
1.2 国内外发展状况 2
1.3机械手的组成和分类 5
2 机械手夹持器结构的设计 11
2.1 机械手夹持器的总体方案图 12
2.2 机械手夹持器的工作原理 13
2.3 装配机械手的功能特点 14
2.4 机械部分的设计计算 16
2.4.1电机在选型设计 17
2.4.2压缩弹簧的选型计算 19
2.4.3螺栓的选型计算 22
3 机械手夹持器中关键零部件的强度计算与校核 24
3.1 弹簧的强度计算与校核 25
3.2 套筒的强度计算与校核 27
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30