摘 要
目前ATV在动力上采用纯电动,在能源匮乏、城市车辆尾气造成的空气污染日益严重的情况下,发展新能源车辆已经成为国家战略发展的重要方向,ATV一经问世,其动力系统就摒弃了流行的燃油发动机模式而采用纯电动模式。纯电动车辆(Blade Electric Vehicles,BEV)在一定程度上减轻了尾气造成的空气污染,但电力拖动的电源目前还是基于煤炭、石油等不可再生能源的耗费。当今各种新能源业已得到大力的开发,其中太阳能技术和风能技术的开发引人注目,相对一次能源而言,太阳能和风能几乎取之不尽用之不竭,又属于清洁能源。因此,研究开发太阳能技术和风能技术在ATV上的应用显然具有现实的积极意义。
The ATV in power by pure electric, in the lack of energy and vehicle emissions on urban air pollution increasingly serious situation, development of new energy vehicles has become an important direction of the development of a national strategy, ATV by the advent of, the power system abandoned popular fuel engine model and the pure electric mode. Pure electric vehicles (Electric Vehicles Blade, BEV) to a certain extent, to reduce the air pollution caused by exhaust, but the power of the power is still based on the power of coal, oil and other non renewable energy consumption. Today's new energy already vigorously developed, striking the development of the technology of solar energy and wind energy technology, relative energy, solar and wind energy almost inexhaustible, belongs to clean energy. Therefore, the research and development of solar energy technology and wind energy technology in the application of ATV obviously has the positive significance of reality.
This graduation project from today's social energy in the application of the real problem, through the design of the beach car, so as to master the entire design of the beach car production process, training engineering awareness.
Key words: power system; energy; beach vehicle; engineering consciousness

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1课题的来源与研究的目的和意义 1
1.2本课题研究的内容 2
1.3研究的意义 3
2 沙滩车的总体方案及结构设计 4
2.1沙滩车的总体方案 6
2.2沙滩车的结构和布置形式 7
2.2.1沙滩车的结构 7
2.2.2布置方式 7
3 传动部分的设计计算 8
3.1电机的选型计算 10
3.2 传动轴的设计计算 11
3.3 伞齿轮传动设计计算 13
3.4螺栓的选型计算 14
3.5蓄电池的选型计算 15
4 各主要零件强度的校核计算 17
4.1滚动轴承的校核及寿命计算 20
4.2传动轴强度的校核计算 21
4.3齿轮传动的校核计算 21
5 主要零件的三维建模 22
5.1 伞齿轮的三维建模 23
5.2 传动轴的三维建模 24
5.3 车架的三维建模 25
5.4 风光互补沙滩车的三维建模 27
总结 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30