Friction welding is a kind of solid material welding measure, which uses two workpieces to contact to produce friction heat. Under certain pressure, two workpieces undergo plastic deformation to connect them together. The obvious advantages compared with traditional fusion welding, friction welding is a highly efficient, environmental protection, and in the aerospace, machinery manufacturing and other traditional industries and photoelectric integration, computer and other high-tech industry with broad application prospects.
The process parameters of the welding machine are optimized and meet the requirements. Because there is no general technical calculation standard, the existing experimental data can be used to determine the parameters of friction welding machine.
After that, the structure design of the welding machine was obtained after the technological parameters were obtained, and the design of the component was completed with the knowledge of the knowledge of CAD software, and the 3d drawing was drawn using Solidworks software.
Then the design of the welding machine control, hydraulic system design. Analyze the working characteristics of machine tool to design hydraulic system. The control flow chart is designed by welding machine workflow, and the requirements are presented.
Through the above to complete the design of inertia friction welding machine, due to the level of knowledge in a shallow, only has carried on the preliminary optimization, failed to do deeper research, so this welder in reliability, safety, efficiency, etc have a great distance away from the actual application.
Key words: friction welding, control flow chart, hydraulic system, control system.

第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题的目的和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状和发展动态 1
1.3本文主要内容 2
第2章 工件的工艺分析与设计 3
2.1惯性摩擦焊工艺参数分析 3
2.2工艺参数的计算与优化 4
第3章 整机构型及主轴系统设计 7
3.1 整机构型 7
3.2主轴系统的工作要求 7
3.3主轴系统构造特征 8
3.4主轴系统设计 8
3.5主轴设计 13
第4章 液压及控制系统设计 14
4.1明确液压系统设计要求 14
4.2 分析系统工况 14
4.3确定执行元件的工作压力 14
4.4拟定液压原理图 16
4.5液压系统性能验算 17
4.6控制系统设计 17
第5章 全文总结与展望 19
5.1本文总结 19
5.2设计中遇到的问题 19
5.3本文展望 19
参考文献 20
附录1 22
附录2 25