The national economy has developed rapidly in recent years. With the steady growth of the people's income and the demand for rapid and convenient traffic, the demand for cars is increasing. The increase in vehicle ownership should be equivalent to the increase in the number of parking lots, but it seems that the number of parking lots is difficult to keep up with the parking demand. Therefore, it brings many problems such as vehicle parking and parking in non parking areas. It also brings many difficulties to parking management. Because of the particularity of its structure, small three-dimensional garage has the advantage of stopping multiple vehicles. It can effectively solve the limited commercial land, and the problem of resident parking difficulty has been supported by the vast number of users.Compared with the common underground garage,the small three-dimensional garage is more secure, and can greatly reduce the danger of people and vehicles. The equipment controlled by the electronic device stays in the garage, or the vehicle is in the non - parking space.
This design divides the work process into several parts, designs the source, purpose and significance of the design, and carries out specific design calculation and verification. The design includes the selection of the type of garage and the mobile scheme, the design of the sprocket and chain, the design of the transmission part, the selection and calculation of the components, and the design of the electrical control system.
By checking and simulating the parameters designed in this paper, we can achieve the desired effect and achieve the access of vehicles. From this, it can be concluded that the lift and horizontal parking garage can access most vehicles with a certain area, and can alleviate the problem of parking difficulty to a certain extent and achieve the original intention of this design. It can also be found that stereo garage is also the main direction of parking development in the future.
Key Words:Small stereoscopic garage;Transmission mechanism;Control system

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1. 绪论 1
1.1课题的背景及意义 1
1.2立体车库的国内外发展现状 1
1.3多种小型立体车库的特点及比较 3
1.4论文的主要内容及章节安排 4
2.系统总体设计 5
2.1 系统总体结构设计 5
2.2 系统总体控制设计 7
3. 小型立体车库的传动系统设计 8
3.1 传动系统的组成 8
3.2 传动系统的主要参数 8
3.3传动链和链轮的选择 9
3.4链轮的计算 9
3.5 链条的设计计算 14
4.电器控制系统设计及元器件选型 19
4.1 电动机的选择 19
4.2减速器的选择 19
4.3轴承的选择 20
4.4轴的选择 20
4.5 安全装置的选择 23
4.6 PLC控制系统方案确定 24
总结 26
参考文献 27
附录Ⅰ :外文译文 28
附录Ⅱ :外文原文 37
附录Ⅲ:车库总程序 47
致 谢 52