Design of liquid level meter with 4-20mA remote signal
Abstract: In modern manufacturing, the oil level meter is widely used in all kinds of non-standard automation equipment. It is basically installed in closed oil tank to measure the level of liquid level of oil level. It drives the real time change value of the level height to the external pointer dial through the internal structure for the user to observe. The traditional oil level measuring instrument is difficult to avoid in the design, such as the complex structure and few functions, especially the long distance transmission of real time signal. The oil level measuring instrument designed in this paper fully considers the current situation of the general manufacturing process in our machinery industry and the actual equipment of the processing plant in our country. A set of YZF type oil level measuring instrument with long transmission signal is designed, which has added new functions, especially on the basis of the traditional oil level measuring instrument. In the aspect of structure, a large scale optimization is carried out to better arrange the spatial distribution of the built-in parts, and to meet the requirements of the manufacturing precision as much as possible to achieve a higher precision remote transmission signal.
The paper adopts the computer aided design software UG and Auto-CAD for three-dimensional design and drawing of two-dimensional engineering drawings. In the UG software, the design method of the structure is carried out according to the top-down design idea. In the whole process of the design, the surface design is applied to the special position of the parts by meeting the requirements of the processing technology. for the transmission precision of gear, it is indicated in the engineering drawing, that is, the means of higher processing requirements, and the designed oil level measuring meter can meet the shortcomings of the existing products on the market and make up for better the results and important conclusions of the actual needs of the equipment.
Keywords:Liquid level meter;UG;Auto-CAD

目 录
摘要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.3 本课题研究内容 3
2 油位计的分析 5
2.1 油位计的构成 5
2.2 油位计的工作原理 6
2.3 影响油位计精度的因素 7
2.4 油位计的应用 8
3 油位计的设计 11
3.1 油位计的工艺设计 12
3.2 表盘与表体 13
3.3 浮球的设计 14
3.4 传动部分的设计 14
3.5 信号传输电路与报警电路的设计 16
4 油位计参数的计算 19
4.1 油位计外轮廓参数的计算 19
4.1.1 表盘的直径和量程 19
4.1.2 表体设计 19
4.2 设计摆杆 20
4.2.1 摆杆与浮球、指针之间的运动形式 20
4.2.2 摆杆的摆动角度及长度 21
4.3 齿轮的计算与选择 21
4.3.1 齿轮种类的选择 22
4.3.2 齿轮参数的确定 22
4.3.3 齿轮设计校核 24
5 硬件电路设计 27
5.1 具有远传信号的电路设计 27
5.2 报警电路设计 27
6 总结 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31
附录A 33
外文文献及翻译 33