摘 要
Nowadays, with the improvement of people's pursuit of life and the increasing number of photography enthusiasts, the demand for photography tools is also increasing. The feasibility analysis of the demand for photography tools products is carried out. This paper probes into the structure and function of photographic tools, investigates the present situation of various photographic tools in the market, and makes an investigation and analysis of related tools.
According to the related knowledge of delayed photography scaffold, the structure of three-axis delayed photographic scaffold is designed. Firstly, the industry of delayed photography scaffold is investigated, and then the existing scaffold structure is discussed and compared. The design method and the basic structure of the delayed photography bracket are further determined. The selection and design process of the components of the delayed photography bracket are introduced in detail. All the parts are designed with aluminum alloy except the standard parts. This design includes two parts: manual and drawing, including the design and calculation of the main parts of the time-delay photography bracket, the selection of standard parts, the checking of important parameters, etc. The final use of C in Design The ATIA software has made the 3D model of the delay photography bracket and carried on the virtual prototype, which makes the structure of the delay photography bracket more intuitive and easy to understand. The assembly drawing and each part drawing of this design are drawn by CAD software. Easy to follow up the processing of various parts and delay photography support assembly.
Key words: Photography bracket; CAD; CATIA; virtual prototype

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 手机延时摄影支架的现状 1
1.1.1 手机延时摄影支架的发展历史 1
1.1.2 手机延时摄影支架的现状 2
1.2 手机延时摄影发展趋势 2
1.3 课题要达到的设计目的 3
第2章 三轴延时摄影导轨及其支架设计方案设计及可行性论证 4
2.1 三轴延时摄影导轨及其支架设计方案设计 4
2.1.1 方案1中间转轴采用同步带传动 4
2.1.2 方案2中间转轴采用齿轮传动 5
2.1.3 方案3中间转轴采用蜗杆传动 6
2.2 三轴延时摄影导轨及其支架设计方案可行性论证 6
2.2.1 方案1中间转轴采用同步带传动评价 6
2.2.2 方案2中间转轴采用齿轮传动评价 8
2.2.3 方案3中间转轴采用蜗杆传动评价 10
2.3 方案确定 11
第3章 三轴延时摄影导轨及其支架设计计算 12
3.1 底座梯形同步带传动设计计算 12
3.1.1 选择同步带的型号 12
3.1.2 确定带轮齿数和节圆直径 12
3.1.3 确定同步带的长度和齿数 13
3.1.4 确定实际中心距 13
3.1.5 计算小带轮啮合齿数 14
3.1.6 选择同步带带宽 14
3.1.7 确定带轮的结构尺寸 15
3.2 中间转轴梯形同步带传动设计计算 15
3.2.1 选择同步带的型号 15
3.2.2 确定带轮齿数和节圆直径 15
3.2.3 确定同步带的长度和齿数 16
3.2.4 确定实际中心距 16
3.2.5 计算小带轮啮合齿数 17
3.2.6 选择同步带带宽 17
3.2.7 计算作用在轴上的载荷 17
3.2.8 确定带轮的结构尺寸 18
3.3 底座传动电机的选择 18
3.3.1 底座电机选择计算 18
3.4 中间转轴传动电机的选择 19
3.4.1 中间转轴传动电机的选择计算 19
3.5 摆动轴传动电机的选择 19
3.5.1 摆动轴传动电机的选择 19
3.6 中间转轴的设计校核 20
3.6.1 估算轴的最小直径 20
3.6.2 轴的结构设计 20
3.6.3 按弯扭合成校核轴的强度 21
3.6.4 校核轴的强度 23
3.7 中间转轴上深沟球轴承的寿命计算 23
3.8 校核圆柱形导轨(梁)的强度 24
3.9 环境保护和可持续发展方面的思考........................................................................26
3.9.1 在结构设计过程中如何考虑环境保护.......................................................26
3.9.2 在结构设计过程中如何考虑可持续发展..................................................26
第4章 延时摄影支架的使用与维护 27
4.1 延时摄影支架的使用 27
4.2 延时摄影支架的维护 28
第5章 毕业设计特色专题 29
5.1 设计的特色 29
5.2 三轴延时摄影支架三维设计 30
结 论 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 34