Design of De-nuclear Machine for Zizyphus jujuba
关键词 去核;传动方案;执行机构;槽轮机构
With the improvement of quality of life and the increasing demand for health care, jujube products are loved by more and more people. Such as jujube mud, dried jujube, jujube milk and other products. The core removal is the processing procedure of many fruit processing, especially for the red jujube. With the development of processing industry, the demand for all kinds of jujube products is rising. Therefore, jujube denuclearization machine, will focus on improving the efficiency of de-nucleation, as well as pulp clean and complete. With this as the goal, to design reasonable machinery. Full automatic, multi-directional. By analyzing and comparing some jujube denuclearization machines in the current market, it is determined to solve the problem. The main problem is that the impact is too strong, resulting in pulp broken, or too small to be completely demineralized. In addition, there may also appear some positioning errors, resulting in the overall movement of poor cohesion and other problems.
The main content of this paper, the overall transmission scheme setting, determine the motion plan, the actuator parts, size calculation. In order to ensure the scientific and reasonable design of each part of the denuclearizer, this paper mainly studies and explains the slot wheel mechanism and the sprocket mechanism by using CAD and other drawing software. Including the characteristics of motion, coordination, and so on.
The main components of the machine are selected roller, conveyor belt, punching mechanism, trough wheel mechanism and so on. Using reasonable connection way, the groove wheel mechanism and crank slider operate, drive the punching rod, carry on the accurate punching of the red date, and improve the production efficiency.
According to the calculation of the initial data, the suitable motor is selected. According to the determined transmission ratio, the specific parameters of the transmission parts are analyzed. In addition, V-band transmission should be further analyzed. According to the combination of look-up table and known data, the parameters such as center distance, band velocity and datum length are determined, and the type of V-band is determined. To carry on the analysis to the punching mechanism in the executive mechanism. After entering the jujube bucket, the jujube should be positioned first, so that the rotating table with intermittent movement can cooperate with the punching needle of the reciprocating movement, so that the nucleation can be more accurate and efficient. Then the shafting parts are calculated and checked in turn, such as the fatigue strength of the shaft. Key connection check calculation, and so on, and then select the appropriate rolling bearing.
Finally, the proper lubrication method is chosen to lubricate and seal the parts of transmission system.
Keywords: denucleate transmission scheme actuator geneva mechanism

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容 1
1.3 研究方法 1
2 方案设计 3
2.1 概述 4
2.2 执行系统 4
2.3 传动系统 6
3 传动装置 8
3.1 电动机的选择 8
3.2 确定传动比 9
3.3传动装置的动力参数 9
3.3.1 各轴转速 9
4传动零件 10
4.1普通V带传送 10
4.2 直齿锥齿轮 11
4.3 联轴器 14
5执行机构 16
5.1冲压机构 16
5.2槽轮机构 18
6轴类零件 21
6.1轴1的结构设计 21
6.2滚动轴承设计计算 26
6.3键联结校核 29
总结 30
致谢 31
参考文献 33