摘 要
关键词: 减速器、齿轮、传动轴
This paper starts from the study of the governing mechanism, combined gear box with a 11 roller straightening machine straightening the design, and structure design of the combined gear box, calculation, calculation, design and checking calculation of parameters of each gear of the transmission shaft of the transmission gear box comprises a joint. And complete the drawing and parts drawing assembly diagram, and mechanical drawing software rendering.
In the stage of structural design, should firmly establish the assurance levels of gear meshing good sense, welded body structure and the shafting structure suitable, reasonably determine the gear rotation direction and rotation direction of attention gear, lubrication piping design, to ensure that the design and calculation of implement, deceleration machine art is good, easy to use, reliable.
This topic is mainly combined speed reducer for straightening machine of design.
Key words: Straightening machine, gear box, transmission shaft

目 录
摘 要 I
1、绪 论 1
1.1 本课题研究目的与意义 1
1.2 本课题国内外发展概况 1
2 、传动方案的拟定 3
3 、一级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器传动机构设计 6
3.1确定总传动比及分配各级传动比 6
3.2 传动装置的运动和动力设计 6
3.3 齿轮传动的设计 11
3.4 传动轴的设计 12
3.5 箱体的设计 16
3.6键连接的设计 16
3.7滚动轴承的设计 16
3.8润滑和密封的设计 16
3.9联轴器的设计 16
结 论 40
参 考 文 献 41
致 谢 42