potatoes as one of the main food of the people, with rich nutritional value, people in daily life, people will around the potato to make a variety of dishes, such as cooking, soup, and so on. And through the cutting tool cutting potato chips will be very troublesome, if there is to be able to peel the skin of the machine, then to a certain extent, will greatly improve the efficiency and quality of the peel.
The potato peeler is through artificial potatoes into potato peeling machine barrel inside, at the bottom of the motor through the transmission gear to drive the transmission shaft to rotate, so as to drive the rotating body rotation, rotation body spot welding can be through the potatoes with a rotating body surface friction and skin small metal grinding, potatoes and with the rotary body to rotate together, and the inner wall of the cylinder body welding scraping knife, that comes with the rotation of the rotating body, the inside of the barrel body of potatoes has been constantly and the surface of a rotating body of small metal grinding blade and the inner wall of the barrel body scraping knife friction to the skin effect
Key words:Potato peeling machine,cutting tool,rotating body, peeling
2 土豆挖掘机总体结构的设计
2.1 土豆挖掘机的总体方案图
土豆挖掘机属于食品加工设备的一种,通常市面上用到的都是焊接框架式的,因为焊接框架式的土豆挖掘机结构强度足够,其形状很容易轻松地就将土豆从地里挖掘出来。该土豆挖掘机主要由机架、连接杆、摆臂、连接件、曲柄、抖动轮、挖掘铲、定位轴、地轮等等零部件组成。动力是通过拖拉机带动该土豆挖掘机在农田里面进行自动挖掘作业。该机效率高,产能好,适合批量挖掘土豆的场所。 其总体方案图如下图1-1所示:
1-1 土豆挖掘机总体方案图
2.2 土豆挖掘机的工作原理

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1 课题的来源与研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 本课题研究的内容 2
1.3 国内外发展现状 2
2土豆挖掘机总体结构的设计 4
2.1 土豆挖掘机的总体方案图 4
2.2 土豆挖掘机的工作原理 4
2.3 机械传动部分的设计计算 5
2.3.1V带传动的设计计算 7
2.3.2轴承的设计计算 8
2.3.3轴的设计 8
3各主要零部件强度的校核 10
3.1机架强度的校核与计算 11
3.2转轴强度的校核计算 12
3.3轴承强度的校核计算 14
4土豆挖掘机中主要零件的三维建模 15
4.1机架的三维建模 17
4.2挖掘铲的三维建模 18
4.3摆臂的三维建模 20
4.4土豆挖掘机的三维建模 22
结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25