摘 要
A mechanical system is a synergistic collection of machine elements,and designing a mechanical system is the final goal in studying machine design . This paper starts with the analyses of tasks and objectives in designing a menchanical system , followed by its composition,selection and compatibility of menchanical units , and the main considerations in designing a system . The purpose of this paper is to help the undergraduates to learn skills of diversified design, creative design and systematic design .
This design is honing machine aircraft design, including its headstock、honing head, principal axis of the design. Honing is a slow grinding, mechanical manufacturing processes commonly used tanks Kongguang the processing means
In the first paper machine to honing machinedone briefly, then honing machineaircraft components to the composition and size calculation accuracy. The design represents the general design processhoning machine plane
Honing machine tools as complex production tools, the most fundamental thing is machining and structural layout of the mainframe, and new techniques, new materials, new components, new cutlery, the new control system will also be used in Honing machine tools, the future Honing processing precision machine tools will be higher, faster processing efficiency, a wider range of processing.
Key Words: honing machine headstock honing
● 良好的表面耐磨性;
● 良好的油膜储存性,可使用低摩擦力的活塞环;
● 降低机油消耗;
● 减少磨合时间(几乎可省掉)。
2.1 缸孔平台珩磨的工艺过程
● 粗珩:预珩阶段,主要是要形成几何形状正确的圆柱形孔和适合后续加工的基本表面粗糙度。
● 精珩:基础平台珩磨阶段,形成均匀的交叉网纹。
● 平台珩:平台珩磨阶段,形成平台断面。

摘 要 7
前 言 10
1磨削技术 11
1.1 磨削加工的发展历史 11
1.2 磨料磨具的简明知识 15
1.3 现阶段国内磨削加工科学技术新进展 17
1.4 磨削原理 23
1.5 磨削技术的发展及关键技术 27
1.6 磨削技术的优点 35
1.7 超高速磨削的发展及关键技术 36
2珩磨技术 45
3珩磨工艺及其应用 48
3.1 珩磨加工原理 48
3.2 珩磨的切削过程 49
3.3 珩磨加工特点 50
4.设计结构选择和设计计算 53
4.1 导向柱设计 53
4.2 底座的设计 54
4.3 驱动气缸设计: 55
4.4 主轴电动机的功率确定 55
4.5 主轴设计 56
4.6 主轴的刚度校核 57
小 结 61
致 谢 62
参考文献 63