Spinning process by the semi roving or sliver drawing, add twist, winding yarn into a yarn spinning machine spinning tube is the main machine spinning, spinning yield, quality is spinning the merits of each process A comprehensive reflection.
Basically, by feeding a variety of spinning bodies, drafting system, add twist and winding agencies
This design is the most important winding-level institutions rose forming institutions, generally it works: When the program board in the reciprocating rod lift process, to support action to promote child loved the adjustment process set ratchet rotation angle, and through Reduce the percentage of worm reduction gear on the sprocket after the recovery from the worm gear coaxial to the main program of the chain affects the purpose of board-level rise. When the transformation yarn count, the switch to a different number of teeth of the ratchet to meet the different spinning yarn count tube forming requirements.
The design of the main use of the turbine drive worm is relatively stable, reduce the proportion of the characteristics of the drive and the ability to reverse the function of preventing institutions, due to spinning are more detailed for each action, so the design of turbine technology requirements Worm higher .
Keywords: winding, spinning frame, level up, worm

1. 中国纺织业现状与展望以及细纱机概述 1
1.1中国纺织产业发展现状与展望 1
1.2 几种细纱机生产结构型新产品 6
1.3 细纱的加捻过程 7
1.3.1 加捻卷绕过程 7
1.3.2 细纱捻系数与捻向的选择 8
1.4 钢领 8
1.4.1作用 8
1.4.3钢领的分类 8
1.4.4高速钢领与普通钢领的比较 9
1.5 钢丝圈 9
1.5.1作用 9
1.5.2对钢丝圈的要求 9
1.5.3钢丝圈的圈形 9
1.5.4钢丝圈的号数及其系列 9
2. 细纱机的牵伸机构及牵伸工艺 11
2.1牵伸罗拉 11
2.2牵伸机构的加压装置 12
3. 细纱机的成形机构 14
3.1 细纱卷绕过程 14
3.2 FA506型细纱机的成形机构 15
3.2.1 钢领板的短动程升降和成形凸轮 15
3.2.2导纱板短动程升降 16
3.2.3钢领板和导纱板的级升运动 16
3.2.4 管底成形机构 17
4. 环锭细纱机钢领板级升的分析与控制 18
4.1 简述 18
4.2 级升原因 18
4.3 级升位置 19
4.4 级升总结 20
5. 工艺计算分析(罗拉直径φ25×φ25×φ25) 21
5.1锭子转速计算(单张力盘)(图5-1) 21
5.2 捻度计算(图5-2)(Z6=104T、Z7=48T、Z8=28T、Z9=28T、Z10=20T、Z11=26T) 22
5.3 卷绕齿轮ZF ZG计算,如图5-3 23
5.4 钢领板级升牙计算 23
6. 级升机构方案确定与有关计算 26
6.1 方案确定 26
6.2主要零部件的设计与校核计算 29
6.2.1 蜗杆轴的校核 29
6.2.2 涡轮轴的校核 32
6.2.3 涡轮蜗杆副的选择与设计计算 35
7. 结论 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42