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本毕业设计是一个冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计的设计。 首先, 冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计作了简单的概述; 接着分析和冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计计算方法的选择原则; 然后根据这些设计准则与计算基础的设计; 然后检查支架结构的主要部件的选择。 普通型冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计由六个主要部件组成:目前, 冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计向长距离, 高速度, 低摩擦的方向发展, 近年来, 冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计就是其中的一个。 在设计中, 该冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计的研制与应用, 目前我国与国外先进水平相比仍有较大差距, 在过程中的国内设计和冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计的制造中存在着许多问题。
冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计 代表了设计的一般过程, 对今后的设计工作的选择有一定的参考价值。
关键词:冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构与卷曲结构综合设计 卷曲结构 卷曲机
This graduation project is a comprehensive design of the structure and crimp structure of a cold rolling rewinding machine. First, the structure of the winding machine and the comprehensive design of the curling structure are briefly summarized. Then the selection principle of the structure and the comprehensive design of the winding structure for the winding machine of the cold rolling heavy coil unit is analyzed, and then according to the design criteria and the calculation basis, and then the main structure of the frame is checked. The selection of parts. The structure and winding structure of the winding machine for the common cold rolling heavy coil unit are composed of six main components: at present, the structure of the winding machine and the comprehensive design of the curling structure are developed in the direction of long distance, high speed and low friction. In recent years, the structure and winding structure of the winding machine for the cold rolling heavy reel machine are made. The combination of design is one of them. In the design, the design and application of the structure and winding structure of the curling machine for the cold rolling heavy coil unit, there is still a big gap in China compared with the advanced level abroad. There are many problems in the process of domestic design, the structure of the winding machine and the comprehensive design of the curl structure.
The comprehensive design of the winding structure and the winding structure of the cold rolling heavy coil unit represents the general process of the design, which has a certain reference value for the selection of the future design work.
Key words: cold rolling rewinding machine crimp machine structure and crimp structure comprehensive design crimp structure crimp machine

目 录
摘要 2
一、 绪论 5
1. 国外研究现状 6
2. 国内研究现状 7
3研究方案 8
二、 冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构材质料介绍及选择 9
三、冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构主要零部件设计计算 12
1、冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构支架断面设计方式 12
2、整体支架强度的计算 13
3、支撑架变形度计算 15
4 电动机的选择 17
四, 带轮连接的设计方法: 18
1 带轮连接旋转结构 18
2带轮连接的设计 19
3、带轮连接中央断面设计 19
五, 卷曲筒杆输送机构的设计: 21
1 卷曲筒杆输送机构 21
2、最大歪斜侧向力 21
3, 带轮连接中央断面合成应力: 22
六、冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构装配图 22
七、卷曲筒杆的设计计算 23
7.1计算工作循环中的最大载荷 23
7.2 轴的设计计算 25
1 支架轴的设计计算 25
2 .轴的结构设计 26
3 轴的强度计算 27
4 主动支架轴的设计计算 27
7.3卷曲结构及设计 28
八、冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构的组装要求及操作方式 32
1、冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构的安装注意事项 32
2, 冷轧重卷机组卷曲机的结构的试验要求 32
致谢 32
参考文献 33