摘 要
关键词:平板硫化机 ,快速升降。
According to different use, transmission, steering system, flat heating, according to different structures, vulcanizing machine can be divided into five categories.
QLB-600 * 600 Fast lifting plate vulcanizing machine is the subject of this design, the history of this kind of flat vulcanizing machine had described in detail, as well as calculating and checking the QLB-600 * 600 Fast lifting plate vulcanizing machine various components
A rubber process principles we know, rubber vulcanization process is working in vulcanizing machine hot plate at a certain temperature, pressure and time and temperature so that the compound was crosslinked rubber molecules, its structure consists of a linear structure into a mesh shape structure, which is obtained with certain physical and mechanical properties of the article, but the plastic material is heated, softened, while the water and volatile substances within the compound to be vaporized, then rely on hydraulic cylinder give enough pressure to rubber full model, and limit the formation of air bubbles, the article dense structure. If the tape laminate, plastic and cloth can firmly sticking. In addition, give sufficient pressure to prevent mold from the seam face appears overflow edge, pattern lack of plastic, porosity sponge and so on.
The design is described in a fast elevator vulcanizing machine parts design process, and some parts have illustrations, detailed step-outs can see below. Vulcanizing press as an industrial equipment, and a plunger, cylinder, side panels and other components of hydraulic energy transfer but not the pressure of the liquid transformed into kinetic energy of motion drive platform and arch made vulcanizer pressure required energy. With the continuous development vulcanizing machine, vulcanizing machine performance to higher demands.
By the time the next semester, I will finish QLB-600 * 600 Fast lifting vulcanizing machine, I will have an updated knowledge of the machine, and an update of the study, over the past few years is the vulcanizing machine development faster time, there are many domestic Rubber Machinery Factory production vulcanizing machine close to the international advanced level, some aspects in the international leading level. As long as we conscientiously sum up the advanced experience, especially learn from foreign advanced design and manufacturing technology aimed at the international market, China's vulcanizing machine will scale a new height.
Key words: flat vulcanizing machine, quick lift.

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 平板硫化机的最新进展 1
1.1.1用平板硫化机进行模压成型及硫化 1
1.2 平板硫化机的用途、类型及工作原理 2
1.2.1用途和类型 2
1.2.3工作原理: 2
1.3 基本性能参数 2
第二章 主要零部件的设计与校核 4
2.1 柱塞 4
2.1.1 结构形式 4
2.1.2 柱塞的选材 4
2.1.3 结构尺寸及强度计算 4
2.2 工作缸 6
2.2.1 结构形式 6
2.2.2 材料 6
2.2.3 结构尺寸 6
2.3密封装置 9
2.3.1定义 9
2.3.2 对密封装置的要求 9
2.4 可动平台 9
2.4.1 平台负载荷及弯矩受力情况 9
2.5 上横梁 11
2.5.1材料 11
2.5.2弯矩及弯曲应力 12
2.6 底座 14
2.6.1 结构及尺寸 14
2.6.2 材料 14
2.6.3 计算 14
2.6.4 强度校核 17
总 结 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 22