来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D19581 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D19581
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摘 要
Manufacture of the straw’s fiber is always the focus which the field of Biological Engineering concern about. The article through contrasting and analyzing the traditional manufacture ways the straw’s fiber and crushing ways of fiber ,it introduces manufacturing of ways the straw’s fiber machinery and ensures its productivity and fibrous quality.
The article discuss the advantage and disadvantage of tradition method which manufacturing fiber of the straw and ways of machinery crush. Comprehensive various method I decide to choice firstly continuous Stamping die to first Smash, and use Hammer mill for again smashing. In the many types of pulverizers, I decided to take hammer-mill with screening by comparison, With the wind-election system for improving efficiency .The article mainly carried out the design of Hammer Mill. First, I must choose design structure .It consists of two parts, One is design of structure and power which smash part; Another is design of structure and power which wind-election system . Smash part include choose hammer, Screen, and so on. Next checking the spindle and bearing.
Key words Fiber of the straw manufactured;Teeth-shape die;Hammer mill

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 秸秆纤维的制取方法 1
1.2 粉碎技术 2
1.2.1 粉碎的方法种类 2
1.2.2 破碎机构的种类 3
1.2.3 粉碎机的分类 5
1.2.4 粉碎机技术发展现状 6
1.3 主要内容 7
第2章 确定总方案 8
2.1 方案的确定 8
2.2 本章小结 9
第3章 压力机与模具的选取 10
3.1 模具的设计 10
3.2 压力机的选择 10
3.3 本章小结 11
第4章 锤片粉碎机的原理及设计 12
4.1 锤片粉碎机的基本原理 12
4.1.1 原理及类工作型 12
4.1.2 锤式破碎机的结构 12
4.2主要部件零件的设计说明 14
4.2.1 已知条件 14
4.2.2 锤击转子的锤片个数计算 15
4.2.3 离心风机的叶轮直径的计算 16
4.2.4 功率的相关计算 16
4.2.5 带传动的设计 17
4.2.6 主轴设计及校核 20
4.2.7 轴承选取与校核 23
4.3 本章小结 23
第5章 机器的使用和维护 24
5.1 粉碎机的正确使用 24
5.2 粉碎机的维护与保养 24
5.3 本章小结 25
总 结 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28