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Research on non-contact measurement method of cylindrical spur gear
As the manufacturing environment becomes more complex, traditional contact measurement methods have become increasingly inapplicable. In order to improve the working environment and measurement accuracy of gear measurement, a non-contact measurement method based on machine vision is proposed.
Based on machine vision technology, this project builds a non-contact measuring platform for cylindrical spur gears. By identifying and analyzing the morphological characteristics of the measured gears, the feasibility of the image processing algorithm related to this subject is verified. The specific work content is as follows:
(1)The CCD camera is used to vertically photo the measured gear, and then the digitized image is stored in the PC.
(2)Image processing was performed by using MATLAB software, comparing the processing effects of different step algorithms, and finally decide to use the median filtering smoothing noise and the canny operator edge detection, and 8 neighborhood edge tracking algorithm to extract edge point coordinates.
(3)The system calibration determines the system pixel equivalent. Use the centroid method locates the centroid, mask the image and detect the number of teeth in the connected domain, calculate other geometric parameters according to the number of teeth and the distance from each edge point to the center, analyze the error and verify the feasibility of the algorithm.
Key words: Cylindrical spur gear; Machine vision; Non-contact; Image Processing

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景、目的和意义 1
1.2 基于机器视觉的圆柱直齿齿轮参数测量的发展及现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 4
1.3 本课题的工作内容与方案 4
第2章 机器视觉测量系统的设计 6
2.1 视觉测量系统的构成 6
2.2视觉测量系统的运行原理概述 8
2.3 成本分析 8
2.4 本章小结 9
第3章 图像处理 10
3.1 图像预处理 10
3.1.1 图像灰度化 10
3.1.2 图像滤波 11
3.1.3 待测齿轮图像滤波处理 13
3.2 图像二值化 16
3.3 区域填充填充孔洞 17
3.4 边缘检测 17
3.4.1 原理简介 18
3.4.2 几种常见的边缘检测算法的比较 18
3.4.3 齿轮图像边缘检测提取 21
3.4.4 结论 22
3.5 本章小结 22
第4章 齿轮参数的测量方案 23
4.1 齿轮中心定位 23
4.2 齿轮参数的测量 24
4.2.1 确定齿数z 24
4.2.2 齿顶圆半径ra齿根圆rf的测量 28
4.2.3 齿轮模数m和分度圆r的确定 28
4.3 本章小结 29
第5章 实验结果与误差分析 30
5.1 系统标定 30
5.2 硬件系统引起的误差 31
5.3 图像处理引起的误差 32
5.4 误差补偿 32
5.5 本章小结 32
第6章 总结与展望 33
6.1 总结 33
6.2 展望 33
参考文献 35
致谢 37
附录 38