来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D21790 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21790
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At this time, we can see that plastic products play an enormous role in every corner of society. It is true that using plastic products has made our lives more colorful. However, more and more waste plastic waste also makes our urban environment worse and worse. There are many kinds of waste plastics. Different types of plastics require different treatment methods. We need to design unique sorting methods for different plastics.
Analyze the development trend at home and abroad, design for the feeding device and the sorting device, select the original plate vibration feeding device as the feeding device, and design the pneumatic system as the sorting device for sorting. The model of the sorter was designed.
A force analysis is performed on the motion of the material during the exercise so as to simulate the working condition of the overall device. The strength of the spring of the feeding device is checked to ensure the safety of the device working process.
Keywords: waste plastic, disc feeder, pneumatic sorting system, vibratory feed

第1章 绪论 2
1.目的及意义 2
1.1论文研究的目的 2
1.2论文研究的意义 2
2.废旧塑料回收装置的发展历史与国内外现状 2
3.研究(设计)的内容 4
3.1研究(设计)的基本内容 4
3.2研究(设计)的目标 4
3.3研究(设计)拟采用的技术方案及措施 4
第2章 回收分选机的方案设计 5
2.1基本要求 5
2.2方案流程图 5
2.3各个机构的方案设计 5
2.3.1上料装置的设计 5
2.3.2分选装置的设计 6
第3章.废旧塑料自动分选机的结构设计 8
3.1圆盘自动上料机设计 8
3.1.1 参数的选择与计算 8
3.1.2 结构的设计 9
3.2气流分选系统设计 11
3.2.1 空气压缩机 11
3.2.2滤清器 12
3.2.3 空气喷嘴与单向阀 14
第4章 运动分析与仿真 15
4.1气动系统计算 15
4.1.1风选的原理以及特征 15
4.2.2 风选的参数计算 16
4.2弹簧的校核 18
4.3料斗中工件的运动分析 19
4.4仿真 20
图4.3物料在传送带上的示意图 21
图4.4物料在空中的路径示意图 21
图4.5 物料飞入聚料箱示意图 21
第5章 结论与展望 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24