Steering system design is an important part of Baja racing car design. The driver completes most of the control of the racing car through the steering system. Baja Race has high requirements on the handling stability of the car and the ability of turning under complex conditions. In order to make the car have good dynamic driving performance, a steering system of Baja racing car is designed, which meets the requirements of lightweight, light and accurate steering, and meets certain ergonomics.
Firstly, in order to ensure good maneuverability of the racing car, the minimum turning radius, the maximum outer wheel angle and the steering system transmission ratio are determined. Secondly, the steering ladder structure parameters are determined according to the target steering relationship and the actual inner and outer wheel steering angle relationship, and whether the steering ladder structure parameters can meet the requirements is verified. The steering ladder is determined by the three-center theorem using the front suspension parameters. The spatial arrangement of steering transmission rod system is determined by the shape break point, and then the parameters of lattice structure parts are determined to complete the model establishment and assembly. Finally, the key parts of steering system are analyzed by finite element method.
The results show that the designed steering system can achieve the expected design objectives, and the results of verification are basically consistent with the simulation analysis data, which provides a reference for the future design of the steering system of Baja racing car.
Key words:steering system; steering trapezoid; Baja raci

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 巴哈转向系统研究现状 1
1.3本文的研究内容 1
第2章巴哈赛车转向系统概述 3
2.1巴哈赛车转向系统的组成及作用 3
2.2巴哈设计的设计要求 3
2.3本章小结 4
第3章巴哈赛车转向梯形设计 5
3.1转向系统最大转向角度的计算 5
3.1.1赛车的基本参数 5
3.1.2最大外侧车轮角度 5
3.2转向梯形的设计 6
3.2.1确定转向梯形类型 6
3.2.2经典阿克曼转向几何关系 7
3.2.3巴哈赛车的转向关系 7
3.2.4 实际的内外轮转角关系 8
3.2.5转向梯形参数与约束条件 9
3.2.6转向梯形与悬架系统的匹配设计 11
3.3.本章小结 12
第4章转向器设计 13
4.1转向器方案的选择 13
4.2转向力矩计算及传动比确定 13
4.2.1转向系角传动比 13
4.2.2转向系计算载荷 14
4.3齿轮齿条设计及强度计算 15
4.3.1齿轮的设计 15
4.3.2齿条的设计 15
4.3.3齿轮齿条材料选取及应力计算 17
4.4转向器壳体设计 20
4.5转向接头设计 20
4.6轴承及转向器润滑方式选择 21
4.6.1轴承选择 21
4.6.2转向器润滑方式 22
4.7本章小结 22
第5章转向传动及操纵构件设计 23
5.1转向操纵机构设计 23
5.1.1方向盘设计及其固定装置 23
5.1.2转向轴设计及空间布置 24
5.2转向传动机构设计 25
5.2.1转向梯形节臂设计及强度校核 25
5.2.1转向横拉杆设计 26
5.4本章小结 26
第6章转向系统关键零部件有限元分析 27
6.1转向节臂有限元分析 27
6.2齿轮轴有限元分析 28
6.3方向盘固定装置有限元分析 29
第七章结论与展望 30
参考文献 31
致谢 33