摘 要
Due to the excessive use of fossil fuels and the development of heavy industry, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, and the shortage of resources is also increasing. As a non-polluting and green travel tool, electric vehicles are inevitably the mainstream of future automobile development.
The drive axle is an important part of the vehicle transmission process. The performance of the drive axle directly affects the overall performance of the vehicle, such as power, handling and safety. Therefore, the design research of electric vehicle drive axle has an important position in the design and development of the whole vehicle. In this paper, the design of a semi-axle, differential and drive axle housing is carried out for the important components of an electric drive sanitation. According to the parameters given, the appropriate type is selected, and the force is calculated and checked. In addition, the three-dimensional model was created with these components using CATIA, and the assembly and motion simulation were performed. The overall motion state was good, and the components were well matched without interference. In addition, this design also provides a parametric design for the differential bevel gear with CATIA, which improves the design efficiency.
Key Words:Differential; half shaft; drive axle housing; design

第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2差速器、半轴、驱动桥壳的研究现状 2
1.2.1国外发展现状 2
1.2.2国内发展现状 2
1.3课题的研究目的以及研究内容 3
第二章 差速器的设计 4
2.1整车参数 4
2.2差速器的选型 4
2.3差速器齿轮的基本参数的选择 6
2.4差速器齿轮的强度验算 11
2.4.1齿轮传动失效的主要形式 11
2.4.2差速器齿轮的受力分析和强度校核 13
第三章 半轴的设计计算 17
3.1半轴型式的选择 17
3.2半轴的受力分析 17
3.2.1半浮式半轴在第一种载荷工况下受力 18
3.2.2半浮式半轴在第二种载荷工况下受力 19
3.2.3半浮式半轴在第三种载荷工况下受力 20
3.3半轴的强度计算 20
3.3.1半轴计算转矩的计算 20
3.3.2半轴的扭转应力计算 20
3.3.2半轴的弯曲应力计算 21
3.3.3半轴和合成应力 21
3.3.4半轴花键参数的确定 21
3.3.4半轴花键强度计算 22
3.4半轴的结构设计及材料的热处理 23
第四章 驱动桥壳的设计计算 24
4.1概论 24
4.2驱动桥壳的受力分析和强度校核 24
4.2.1桥壳的静弯曲应力计算 24
4.2.2在冲击载荷作用下桥壳的强度计算 26
4.2.3最大牵引力行驶时驱动桥壳的强度计算 26
4.2.4紧急制动时的驱动桥壳强度计算 28
4.3本章小结 31
第五章 总结与展望 32
5.1论文总结 32
5.2展望 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34