With the continuous development of the society, people's living standards have been constantly improved, people pay more attention to their own health, and generally put forward higher requirements on the packaging of drugs.Under the impact of new policies and new concepts in the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical industry has ushered in new opportunities. However, compared with foreign established packaging brands, China's packaging industry still has problems such as imprecise production, single adaptability, failure self-monitoring and self-repair.
This paper describes the structural design of medical cartridge packing machine for common cartridge plates in the market. The technological route of cartridge packing includes the process of opening the lower box and the carton, pushing the cartridge plate and putting the instruction into the carton, folding tongue and inserting tongue.The main works include the structure design of the medicine box blanking mechanism, which use suction cup to separate the flattened carton one by one,and use the pressure of the side wall to open the carton,The operation is simple, and the medicine box holder has certain adaptability, which can be adjusted according to different sizes of medicine boxes;the tongue folding mechanism of the medicine,the four-bar mechanism is used to drive the baffle to swing back and forth to complete the tongue folding movement;The structure design of the medicine box sealing mechanism uses the parallelogram mechanism to drive the tongue folding knife and tongue inserting knife to do the same action, so as to ensure that the tongue will not slip out during the tongue inserting process and reduce the number of failed products.Also use SolidWorks to build models.The design in order to ensure that the above action requirements, at the same time pay more attention to the prevention of drug pollution.During the design process, the design of the relevant mechanical structure was reviewed, and combined with the advantages of other mechanical structures to complete the design.
This design has the advantages of simple and reliable mechanism, easy installation, low cost, stable transmission and small noise, greatly reduce the manual operation to avoid drug pollution, and the body height is suitable for necessary manual operation.Now China's packaging industry and pharmaceutical industry have ushered in a period of rapid development, China's packaging machine research in the future should pay more attention to improve the ability of independent innovation, technology in their own hands;Improve product reliability and adaptability;Optimize human-computer interaction.It is believed that through the continuous improvement of the existing product design and the introduction of new technology, China's packaging machinery industry can usher in better development and have stronger competitiveness in the international market.
Key Words:Medical Cartridge Packing Machine; The Four-bar Mechanis ; Structural Design.

第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国外包装机械概述 1
1.3我国包装机械业的发展 2
1.4药品装盒机发展中面临的问题研究 3
1.5研究意义 3
第2章 药板装盒机的总体方案设计 4
2.1装盒机设计的基本要求 4
2.2功能与应用范围 4
2.3执行机构方案设计 5
2.3.1传送方案选择 5
2.3.2纸盒上料结构设计 5
2.3.3折小舌结构设计 6
2.3.4折大舌结构设计 7
第3章 传动系统主要机构的选择和校核 8
3.1电动机的选择 8
3.1.1电机种类的选择 8
3.1.2电动机功率的确定 8
3.1.3选择电机 9
3.1.4计算总传动比和分配各级传动比 9
3.2减速器高速轴直径及强度校核 10
3.3齿轮传动设计计算 10
3.3.1选择齿轮材料,确定许用应力 10
3.3.2按接触疲劳强度设计 11
3.3.3校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 11
3.4V带传动的设计计算 12
3.4.1初选中心距 12
3.4.2确定带长 12
3.4.3确定中心距 13
3.4.4验算小轮包角 13
3.5键的选择和校核 13
3.6传送带带轮参数设计 14
第4章 主要工作构件的结构设计 15
4.1四杆机构设计 15
4.2插舌设计 15
4.3箱体设计 16
第5章 结论 18
参考文献 19
致谢 21