关键词:平头塔机 臂架 塔身 抗倾翻 稳定性
Overall design of 800 kN-m tower crane
This topic is the overall design of the 800 kN-m tower crane. The tower machine is a flat-headed tower crane. The difference between the flat-headed tower machine and the ordinary tower machine is mainly that the flat-headed tower machine cancels the tower head and the pull rod. This is also the main advantage of the flat-headed tower machine. It is easy to install and dismantle. The main contents of the overall design include the design of the arm frame, the balance arm, the rotation of the tower and the downward rotation system, the tower body, the cab, the jacket frame, and the overhead mechanism. This article first summarizes the history of Tower machine development and its advantages and disadvantages, then uses the knowledge learned by the university for four years to determine the main parameters of Tower machine and briefly describe each institution and component, and then designs and calculates each institution and component.Check the relevant hazard sections, and finally to assemble the component into a complete flat head tower machine, The stability check of the whole tower machine is carried out, and the anti-tipping check is carried out under five conditions. Finally, the check passes, and the overall parameters of the tower machine meet the requirements for use.
Key words: flat head tower machine; Arm frame; Tower body; Anti-tipping; stability

摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2我国平头塔机的发展概况 1
1.3平头塔机的优点 2
1.4发展的趋势 2
1.5选题背景以及研究意义 3
第二章塔机整体重量与起重特性 4
2.1各个部分的重量 4
2.2起重特性 4
第三章塔机主要工作参数与工作级别 8
3.1基本参数 8
3.2塔机的工作级别 8
3.3机构的工作级别 9
第四章设计方案 10
4.1机构选型 10
4.2钢丝绳选择 10
第五章起重吊钩的设计 12
5.1吊钩的选型 12
5.2吊钩基本尺寸 12
第六章 塔身计算 13
6.1活动载荷与固定载荷共同作用 13
6.2上部结构与起升载荷的风载荷 14
6.3塔身产生的载荷 16
6.4塔身内力合成 18
6.5塔身的几何特性参数 29
6.6塔身强度计算 32
6.7整体稳定性计算 35
6.8塔身整体静刚度计算 38
6.9塔身连接螺栓计算 39
第七章起重臂计算 41
7.1起吊平面内载荷计算 41
7.2回转平面内载荷计算 43
7.3各截面参数计算 48
7.4臂架主弦杆尺寸计算 50
7.5平衡臂 51
第八章顶升系统 53
8.1顶升过程的简单描述 53
8.2顶升力和顶升功率的计算 53
8.3电动机的选型 54
第九章回转机构 55
第十章抗倾翻稳定性计算 56
10.1五种工况 56
10.2抗倾翻稳定性校核 56
10.3地面压应力 60
10.4经济性分析 61
第十一章结论 62
参考文献 63
致谢 65