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Turning System and Top Design of TC6510 Tower Crane
TC6510 tower crane is a multi-purpose tower crane with horizontal lifting arm, variable trolley amplitude and upward rotation and self-lifting. This design topic is aimed at the design of the rotary system of the tower crane and the top metal structure supported by the rotary system. Firstly, this paper introduces the importance and purpose of tower crane and topic selection, then expounds the development status and trend of tower crane at home and abroad, and then calculates and chooses the parameters of slewing system, including slewing support, driving motor, brake, hydraulic coupler and speed reducer, using the professional knowledge and combining with the design criterion of tower crane. The calculation ensures the reliability of the structural design. The CAD model of TC6510 tower crane slewing system and tower top is drawn by software, including upper support, slewing support, lower support, tower top and other components. According to the relevant installation requirements and size requirements, the assembly drawings of tower crane slewing system and tower top are completed.
Key Words:Tower crane; Rotary system; Tower topstability

额定起重力矩    800kN.m
起重工作幅度    最小2.5m    最大65m
最大工作高度    固定式    附着式
    40.5m    220m
最大起重量    6t
最大幅度处额定起重量    1t
最低稳定下降速度    ≤5m/min
回转速度    0~0.6r/min
变幅速度    0~55m/min
顶升速度    0.4 m/min
工作温度    -20℃~+40℃
工作电压    380±%5V
最大工作风压    250N/m2


摘要    I
目录    III
第一章  绪论    1
1.1  选题意义及目的    1
1.2  研究现状    1
1.2.1  国外研究现状    1
1.2.2  国内研究现状    2
1.3  发展趋势    2
第二章  总体方案    3
2.1  主要技术参数    3
2.2  塔机及机构的工作级别    4
2.3  回转机构设计方案    4
2.4  塔顶设计方案    7
第三章  回转机构设计    9
3.1  回转支承受力计算    9
3.2  回转驱动装置计算    11
3.2.1  回转阻力矩计算    11
3.2.2  驱动电动机选择    15
3.3  制动器选择    16
3.4  液力耦合器    17
3.4.1  选用条件和原则    17
3.4.2  选型方法    17
3.5  行星减速器计算与选型    18
第四章  塔顶设计    20
4.1  塔顶构造及参数    20
4.2  塔顶所受载荷    21
4.2.1 载荷计算    21
4.2.2 力与力矩合成    24
4.3  稳定性校核    24
4.3.1力学特性    24
4.3.2 截面几何性质计算    25
4.3.3 稳定性计算    25
第五章  总结与展望    27
5.1  结论    27
5.2  经济性分析    27
5.3  展望    28
参考文献    29
致  谢    31
