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Structure and type selection design of szz1000/400 double chain scraper transfer machine
This graduation project takes szz1000/400 double-chain scraper transfer machine as the design object, and the main design is to determine the main parameters of the traction department. Design of transmission system; And the scraper chain strength check, reducer internal transmission system design (including gear design and check, shaft design and check, etc.) and the box and its subsidiary structure design. Reducer design, first calculate the total transmission ratio, and then carry out a reasonable distribution, to determine how many stages; Secondly, the rotational speed and torque of each shaft are calculated, the material and other parameters of each shaft are determined in the design,and the final check is carried out. In addition, the function of the main parts of the transfer machine and the use method are introduced.
Key words:Scraper transfer machine; Scraper chain; Gear reducer; Head drive
爬坡角度:10° 爬坡高度:1.265m电机型号:YBSD-4OO/200-4/8G
电机功率:400/200kw 额定电压:3300v 额定转速:747/1497r/min

摘要 i
Abstract ii
1. 概述 3
1.1 刮板转载机简述 3
1.2 国内外刮板转载机技术发展状况 3
1.3桥式转载机 4
1.4桥式转载机的工作原理 4
1.5桥式转载机的结构与作用 5
1.6 SZZ1000/400中双链刮板转载机总述 6
1.7 SZZ1000/400中双链刮板转载机使用条件和特点 6
2. SZZ1000/400中双链刮板转载机的原始数据资料 7
2.1.1中部槽装煤量计算 7
2.1.2计算运行阻力 8
2.1.3刮板链张力的计算 9
2.1.4刮板链的预紧力和紧链力计算 10
2.1.5计算所需电动机功率 10
2.1.6刮板链的安全系数校核 11
3. 传动系统设计的总体设计 12
3.1 结构方案确定 12
3.2 传动比的分配计算 13
3.2.1传动比分配 13
3.2.2计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 13
3.3. 齿轮及轴的设计 16
3.3.1 圆锥齿轮的设计计算 16
3.3.2 斜齿圆柱齿轮设计计算 22
3.3.3 轴的设计计算 29
3.3.4 链轮轴的设计 30
3.3.5 联轴器的选择 38
3.3.6 轴承及键的设计计算 38
3.3.7 减速器箱体的设计 40
4. SZZ1000/400中双链刮板转载机的主要零部件及作用 43
4.1 机头传动部 43
4.2 机头架 43
4.3 伸缩槽 43
4.4 链轮组件 43
4.5 拨链器 44
4.6 动力部 44
4.7 联接罩 44
4.8 紧链装置 44
4.9 溜槽 45
4.10 刮板链及连接环 46
4.11 机尾 46
4.12 转载机的移动 46
4.13 转载机的铺设安装 47
4.14 转载机的试运转 47
5. 转载机的润滑 49
6. 转载机故障及处理方法 50
结束语 53
参考文献 54
英文文献 56
翻译部分 60
致 谢 63