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摘 要
Design and Control of Stereo Warehouse Simulator
Automated warehouse is an important part of logistics. It is a system that automatically stores and takes out logistics without direct manual intervention. It is a high-tech product of the development of modern industrial society, which is of great significance to improve productivity and reduce costs. The stacker is the most important lifting and stacking equipment in the automatic three-dimensional warehouse, which can shuttle back and forth in the automatic three-dimensional roadway, and store the goods located in the roadway entrance into the cargo space; or instead take out the goods in the cargo compartment to transport to the roadway entrance. In this paper, the design scheme of double-column stacker is put forward, its structure composition is analyzed, its lifting mechanism, walking mechanism and fork telescopic mechanism are designed, and the stress of each mechanism is analyzed and calculated and checked. The principle, structure and characteristics of the three-dimensional warehouse control system are discussed, and the control system is designed. According to the access characteristics of the three-dimensional warehouse, the hardware part of the stacker is selected and the parameters are calculated, the electrical schematic diagram is designed, andthe ladder diagram of the PLC control program
[Keywords] :Stereo warehouse; Mechanical structure; PLC; control system.

目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
1 立体仓库模拟装置的设计及控制 1
1.2国内外研究现状及发展趋势 3
1.3本课题的研究目的及主要研究内容 4
2 立体仓库机械结构的设计 5
2.1堆垛机机械结构组成 5
2.2堆垛机升降机构的设计计算 5
2.2.1升降机构零部件的设计计算 5
2.2.2升降机构的电机减速器的选取 6
2.2.3制动器的制动容量的设计 6
2.3堆垛机行走机构的设计计算 6
2.3.1堆垛机走行轮的设计计算 6
2.3.2走行装置的电机、减速器的选取 7
2.4堆垛机伸缩货叉机构的设计计算 8
2.4.1伸缩货叉的扰度与强度 9
2.4.2货叉各参数的选择 13
2.4.3货叉内部零件的选取与校核 13
2.4.4货叉伸缩装置中的电机、减速器的选取 17
3 立体仓库模拟装置的设计及控制 18
3.1 堆垛机系统 18
3.2立体仓库控制系统的功能要求 19
3.3立体仓库控制系统主控制器的选择 20
3.3.1 PLC简介 21
3.3.2 PLC各部分功能 22
3.4堆垛机的速度控制方案 23
3.4.1变频调速技术的优点 23
3.4.2变频器的基本结构 24
3.4.3变频调速的工作原理 25
3.5堆垛机的定位控制方案 26
4 立体仓库控制系统硬件设计 27
4.1立体仓库控制系统结构 27
4.2变频器的选型 28
4.2.1 VS-616G5型变频器的特点 28
4.2.2 VS-616G5型变频器的端子配备 28
4.2.3变频器的容量计算 29
4.2.4 PG速度控制卡的选择 30
4.3 PLC的选型 31
4.3.1 FX-2N系列PLC的特点 32
4.3.2机型的配置 32
4.4其它主要硬件的选取 32
4.4.1旋转编码器 32
4.4.2光电开关 34
4.4.3电磁闸 34
4.4.4断路器、接触器 34
4.5立体仓库控制系统的电气原理图 35
5 立体仓库控制系统软件设计 36
5.1程序设计软件 36
5.2 I/O点数的分配 37
5.3立体仓库控制系统程序设计 40
5.4立体仓库控制系统梯形图 45
结 论 46
参 考 文 献 47
附 录 48
英文资料 58
中文译文 60
致 谢 62