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关键词:回转支承 钢球 试验机 三维建模 强度校核
Steel Ball Fatigue Tester—Mechanical System Design
In recent years, due to the increasingly tense environmental and energy issues, wind power generation as a green power generation method has gradually attracted the attention of various countries. Slewing bearings are the core components of wind power generators. Wind power generators’ slewing bearings require high manufacturing accuracy and material quality. Once the problems of slewing bearing occurs after installation and operation of wind power generators, it will cause huge economic losses. Therefore, it is necessary to test before installation and operation of slewing bearing to ensure that the rotary bearing has sufficient reliability in operation. The fatigue of steel ball in slewing support is easy to occur, and the fatigue failure of steel ball determines the life of slewing support. Fatigue test of steel balls under high speed, heavy load and complex working conditions is the most effective way to study the fatigue of steel balls.In this paper, the fatigue tester of steel balls used in wind power slewing bearings is designed, effectively monitors the fatigue status of steel balls, and provides a reasonable basis for ensuring the reliability of slewing bearings。
Key words:Slewing bearing;steel ball;testing machine;3D modeling;strength check

摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract ⅠⅠ
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景及意义 1
1.2国内研究现状 1
1.3国外研究现状 2
1.4钢球疲劳试验机现存问题 3
1.5钢球产生缺陷的原因 3
1.6钢球疲劳失效检测及试验方法 4
1.7钢球疲劳试验机的总体设计方法 4
1.7.1球-盘试件 4
1.7.2钢球疲劳试验机动力装置设计 4
1.7.3钢球疲劳试验机螺栓加载装置设计 5
1.7.4钢球疲劳试验机的机架设计 5
第二章 钢球疲劳试验机零部件的设计、校核及建模 6
2.1钢球疲劳试验机的技术要求 6
2.2电动机设计 7
2.2.1电动机选型 7
2.2.2电动机建模 7
2.3减速器设计 10
2.3.1减速器选型 10
2.3.2减速器建模 11
2.4普通碟形弹簧设计、校核及建模 13
2.4.1普通碟形弹簧设计 13
2.4.2普通碟形弹簧校核: 15
2.4.3普通碟形弹簧建模 15
2.5称重传感器选型及建模 16
2.5.1称重传感器选型 16
2.5.2称重传感器建模 16
2.6加载系统设计及校核 17
2.6.1与称重传感器螺纹连接螺钉选型及校核 17
2.6.2加载螺栓选型及校核 19
2.7胀套选型设计及建模 19
2.7.1胀套选型 19
2.7.2胀套建模 20
2.8滚道设计及建模 21
2.8.1滚道参数计算 21
2.8.2滚道外形建模 22
2.9推力圆柱滚子轴承选型及建模 22
2.9.1推力圆柱滚子轴承选型 23
2.9.2推力圆柱滚子轴承建模 23
2.10传动轴设计、校核及建模 24
2.10.1传动轴设计 24
2.10.2传动轴校核 24
2.10.3推力圆柱滚子轴承建模 25
第三章 钢球疲劳试验机的模拟装配及运动仿真 26
3.1钢球疲劳试验机的模拟装配 26
3.2钢球疲劳试验机的运动仿真 27
第四章 钢球疲劳试验机经济性分析 29
4.1钢球疲劳试验机的成本计算 29
4.2钢球疲劳试验机的经济性分析 31
总结 33
参考文献 34
致谢 36