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The design and check of excavator slewing mechanism
With the development of our economy, the demand for infrastructure construction is increasing.As the important machinery in infrastructure projects, excavators have been widely used in mining industries .The rotary mechanism as a core component of the excavator, its research and optimization has always been an important issue.This paper firstly describes the research background of the project. Then the paper introduces the development status, development trend and typical classification of excavator slewing mechanism. And through the design calculation, the appropriate parts of the slewing mechanism are selected and the strength check is carried out. Then a set of powerful engineering simulation finite element software—ABAQUS, including the main functions and application areas of ABAQUS, etc. is introduced.Finally, the stress analysis of the slewing bearing is carried out by the finite element software ABAQUS.
Key Words: Slewing mechanism;Slewingbearing;Loadanalysis;Finite element analysis

第一章绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2挖掘机回转机构的发展历程 1
1.3回转支承的类型 3
1.3.1单排球式回转支承 3
1.3.2双排球式回转支承 4
1.3.3交叉滚柱式回转支承 4
1.3.4三排滚柱式回转支承 4
1.3本文工作意义 6
第二章方案设计 7
2.1回转方案选择 7
2.1.1方案介绍 7
2.1.2方案对比 7
2.2轮齿啮合方案选择 7
2.2.1内齿式啮合 7
2.2.2外齿式啮合 8
2.3经济型分析 8
2.4选型流程 8
第三章回转支承选型 11
3.1计算当量轴向载荷 11
3.1.1计算工况 外载荷 11
3.1.2计算工况2外载荷 13
3.1.3计算工况3外载荷 14
3.2计算负荷能力 16
3.3计算静态参照载荷 16
第四章回转齿轮设计与校核 18
4.1确定参数 18
4.1.1确定复合齿形系数 18
4.1.2计算 18
4.1.3寿命系数 19
4.1.4计算 20
4.2计算齿根弯曲疲劳强度 21
4.2.1判别大、小齿的弯曲疲劳强度 21
4.2.2计算弯曲疲劳强度 21
4.2.3液压马达 21
4.2.4小齿轮参数 21
第五章回转支承滚道的有限元分析 22
5.1建模参数 22
5.1.1模型的简化 24
5.1.2材料属性 25
5.1.3装配示意 25
5.1.4分析步 26
5.1.5创建接触 26
5.1.6施加约束和载荷 29
5.1.7划分网格 29
5.1.8提交作业 30
5.2结果分析 31
第六章三维模型 32
6.1回转支承模型示意图 32
6.2机架模型示意图 32
6.3回转平台模型示意图 33
6.4装配体模型示意图 33
结语 34
参考文献 35