Cartesian coordinate robot, the robot is also called the large truss or Longmen robot, which has the advantages of simple structure, single function, widely used in various industries, such as electronics and automobiles, mainly used for handling, palletizing and various production. With the increase of social demand and related technical progress, the structure and precision of Cartesian coordinate robot will be further developed. Influence of the use of materials, work efficiency and work trajectory planning how to design the structure of the robot, so the research and application of computational methods, further optimization in the Cartesian coordinate robot structure design, has very important theoretical significance and practical value.
The structure of this design with small rectangular coordinate robot also called Cartesian coordinate manipulator were analyzed, relevant literature based on Cartesian coordinate manipulator function analysis, puts forward the overall scheme of structure design, and through the relevant calculation, the final choice of ball screw drive assembly and moving to realize the Cartesian coordinates of 3 degrees of freedom direction the. Finally, the SolidWorks software is used to model the parts and components, and then assemble and get the assembly drawings of the whole structure. Then the design scheme is proved to be good and bad after analysis of the assembly drawings, and then improved.
The research results show that the structure of this design program is simple and clear, simple and easy to modify the transmission scheme selection, the overall design scheme can meet the frame structure and stroke Cartesian coordinate manipulator to the requirements.
Key words:rectangular coordinate manipulator; mechanism design; ball screw drive scheme

第一章绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及其意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状分析 1
1.2.1 国外研究现状 1
1.2.2 国内研究现状 2
1.3 本设计主要研究的内容 3
第二章直角坐标龙门机械手总体方案设计 5
2.1 机械手的应用与分类 5
2.1直角坐标龙门机械手驱动方式的选择 6
2.2 直角坐标龙门机械手传动方式的选择 8
2.3我所设计的机械手的外观结构图 9
2.4设计思路 9
第三章机械抓手的设计 10
3.1概述 10
3.2真空吸盘的选择 11
第四章 手臂结构的设计 12
4.1 Z轴运动模组的设计 12
4.1.1 滚珠丝杠螺母副的设计 13
4.1.2滚动轴承的选择与校核 17
4.1.3步进电机的选择 19
4.1.4移动滑块的设计 20
4.1.5轴承端盖的设计 21
4.1.6联轴器的选择 22
4.2 Y轴运动模组的设计 22
4.2.1滚珠丝杠螺母副的设计 23
4.2.2滚动轴承的选择与校核 26
4.2.3步进电机的选择 27
4.2.4移动滑块的设计 28
4.3X轴运动模组的设计 28
4.3.1滚珠丝杠螺母副的设计 29
4.3.2滚动轴承的选择与校核 31
4.3.3步进电机的选择 33
4.3.4移动滑块的设计 33
第五章结束语 35
参考文献 36
致谢 37