The wheel is an important part of the moving car, it is full of the load of the motor vehicle,and along the track for high-speed operation. With the increase in the weight of the axle and the speed of the operation, the safe operation of the motor vehicle is more and more affected by the assembly quality of the wheel, and the reliability of the assembly of the wheel is getting higher and higher. At present, the main way of assembling the wheel is oil injection, hot and no oil pressure assembly. At present, most of China's railway wheel assembly workshop assembly technology are stuck in the last century,the level of the fifties, far from the current high-speed development of the railway needs.
On the basis of the existing wheel assembly machine in our country, this paper fully absorbs the foreign advanced wheel assembly technology, and puts forward a new type of wheel assembly machine in combination with our concrete reality. The wheel assembly machine through a different thickness of the board can be achieved on the wheel and brake disc of the one-time press-fit, to solve the old wheel on the assembly machine U-turn press, wheel and brake disc separately press the problem, Improve the accuracy and reliability of the wheel loader. The main research work of this paper: The overall design of the wheel assembly machine assembly program to determine the overall composition of the wheel assembly machine; The design and verification of key components, and drawing drawings; Three-dimensional modeling of key components, the use of ANSYS to completethe finite element analysis, check the strength; Analysis of the assembly process of the assembly wheel of the moving wheel, and the assembly process will be described.
Key Words:wheel assembly machine;parts design ;finite element analysis;assembly process

第1章绪论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外轮对组装机现状 1
1.2.1 国内轮对组装机现状 1
1.2.2 国外轮对组装机现状 3
第2章动车轮对组装机总体设计方案 4
2.1 设计思想 4
2.2 性能指标 4
2.3 轮对组装机总体设计方案 6
2.3.1 机械部分 6
2.3.2 测量系统 6
2.3.3 液压系统 6
2.3.4 控制系统 7
2.3.5 输入与输出系统 7
2.3.6 按钮站 7
第3章动车轮对组装机机械系统设计 8
3.1 主机结构 8
3.2 活动梁装置 9
3.3 送料小车 10
第4章关键零部件设计与校核及有限元分析 12
4.1 U型滑块插板 12
4.1.1 U型滑块插板设计与校核 12
4.1.2 型滑块插板有限元分析 13
4.2滑块油缸 16
4.2.1 滑块油缸的设计与校核 16
4.2.2 活塞杆稳定性有限元分析 17
4.3 升降装置 21
4.3.1 升降装置的设计与校核 21
4.3.2 托臂有限元分析 23
4.4 活动梁装置 27
4.4.1 活动梁装置的设计与校核 27
4.4.2 活动梁装置有限元分析 29
第5章动车轮对组装工艺的设计 32
5.1 送料小车上料 32
5.2 制动盘压装 33
5.3 车轮压装 34
5.4 送料小车卸料 35
第6章结论 36
参考文献 37
附录 39
致谢 44