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In recent years, the automobile industry has developed rapidly, and the research and development of automobile hasbeen improving. Among them, the research and development of automobile chassis has been going on, and the automobile steering system is an important part of the chassis..It is of great significance to ensure the normal safety of the vehicle and the accuracy of the operation of the driver..In this case, the hydraulic steering is the steering wheel of the hydraulic differential that is generated by the hydraulic flow of the car at the turn of the steering. In the process of hydraulic steering gear, the torque and pin processing of hydraulic valve is very important. The accuracy of this part is directly related to whether it can provide accurate hydraulic power support during the steering, and not to provide the help when driving in a straight line, so as to avoid deviation. It is more about whether the driver can accurately identify the steering intention of the driver when using the hydraulic steering gear, which is an important indicator to ensure that the vehicle can provide the same power as the driver needs to realize the straight line and the left and right steering. This paper combines the knowledge of books and the process of field practice to improve the defects of the existing domestic processing technology, so as to realize an integrated marketing machine which can automatically realize automatic alignment, pin fixing and retesting.
Key words: hydraulic steering, pin fixing, automatic alignment


摘要    I
第一章引言    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2本课题国内外研究现状    1
1.3本篇论文的目的及主要工作    2
第二章转向器基本构造以及扭杆销加工工艺分析    4
2.1转向器基本结构、工作原理以及扭杆销作用    4
2.1.1转向器基本结构    4
2.1.2转向器工作原理    5
2.1.3扭杆销的作用    5
2.2扭杆销传统加工工艺分析    6
2.2.1扭杆销传统加工工艺流程    6
2.2.2扭杆销传统加工工艺缺陷    6
2.3自动化打销方法及原理    7
2.3.1自动化打销方法    7
2.3.2自动对中找正原理    8
2.3.3自动打销加工原理    9
2.3.4复测原理    9
2.4本章小结    10
第三章打销机总体设计    11
3.1打销机总体要求    11
3.2打销机基本运动    11
3.3打销机总体设计    12
3.4本章小结    14
第四章打销机机构设计    15
4.1夹具机构设计    15
4.1.1夹具选择    15
4.1.2夹具机械结构设计    16
4.2对中找正机构设计    18
4.2.1对中找正机械机构    18
4.2.2自动找正驱动电机选择    19
4.3打销机构设计    20
4.3.1直线导轨滑台装置选择    20
4.3.2电机以及滚珠丝杠装置选择    21
4.3.3钻、铰孔装置选择    23
4.4本章小结    25
第五章总结与展望    26
5.1总结    26
5.2展望    26
参考文献    27
致谢    28
