现如今,在生产力不断提高,经济水平逐年提升的时代。饮料的消费越来越多,人们在享受饮料的同时,带来的另外一个问题是饮料包装瓶的回收。尤其在人员密集、流动性大的学校、医院、闹市街头等区域每天都会产生大量的废旧塑料瓶。对废旧塑料的循环再利用, 一是可以能实现一定的循环经济,促进环保事业发展,二是能够大幅减少塑料瓶垃圾的污染,从而保护我们的地球生态。目前,我国废旧塑料瓶的回收分捡一般由专业化公司完成。由于专业化的回收、分拣处理能力、分拣效率有限,我国每年仍有大部分废旧塑料瓶未能进入工厂或并未被合理回收。
Nowadays, in the era of increasing productivity and increasing economic level year by year. The consumption of beverages is increasing. While people enjoy beverages, another problem is the recycling of beverage bottles. Especially in densely staffed and mobile schools, hospitals, downtown streets and other areas, a large number of waste plastic bottles are produced every day. The recycling and reuse of waste plastics can realize a certain circular economy and promote the development of environmental protection, and can greatly reduce the pollution of plastic bottle garbage, thus protecting our earth's ecology. At present, the recycling and sorting of waste plastic bottles in China are generally completed by specialized companies. Due to the limited specialized recycling, sorting capacity and sorting efficiency, most of the waste plastic bottles in our country still fail to enter factories or are not recycled reasonably every year.
This paper mainly studies the design of the beverage bottle recycling machine, and improves the existing products and mechanisms. A new type of mobile interconnected plastic bottle recycling separator was designed. Firstly, according to the existing recycling mechanism and process in China, the innovative mode of this design is put forward: starting from the recycling source of waste plastic bottles, simple classified compression treatment is carried out, which greatly improves the efficiency of subsequent treatment. Then the overall technical scheme is explained one by one, in which the feasibility analysis and some specific structures are introduced in detail. Then, according to the actual situation, the recognition and classification system is briefly studied and explained. Finally, the conclusions and prospects are drawn.
The design features and breakthroughs and innovations: the classification design of the sorting machine can recycle waste plastic bottles at the source of recycling for preliminary classification, so as to enhance the efficiency of subsequent manual classification operation. The compression design of the classification recycler can enhance the capacity of recovery, and further improve the efficiency of subsequent factory treatment; the integration of "Internet +" concept can make the recycling of the plastic bottles more efficient. The product maximizes and rationalizes its function in practical use.
Key Words:Separation of Plastic Bottles;Compression and recovery;Internet Plus

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2国内外现状 1
1.2.1国内塑料瓶回收研究现状 1
1.2.2国外塑料瓶回收研究现状 2
1.3研究内容及意义 3
第2章 总体方案设计 4
2.1互联式分类回收机设计理念 4
2.2设计基本内容之技术设计开发 4
2.2.1概念性设计 4
2.2.2可行性分析 4
2.2.3功能设计 5
2.3设计基本内容之市场服务 6
2.4技术方案设计 7
2.4.1识别系统设计 7
2.4.2分离结构设计 7
2.4.3压缩机构设计 7
2.4.4电机及传送带选型设计 7
2.4.5其他设计、附图及工作流程 9
2.5本章小结 12
第3章 压缩装置及识别系统的设计 14
3.1压缩装置的设计 14
3.1.1压缩力分析 14
3.1.2传动系统的设计 14
3.1.3压缩机结构设计 14
3.2识别系统的分析设计 16
3.2本章总结 17
第4章 总结及展望 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 20