本设计计算说明书根据已知的固定球阀设计经验对DN为350mm,设计压力为600 CALSS(10Mpa)的球阀进行设计,主要包括了材料选择、结构设计和强度校核等,在结构和材料方面在满足强度的前提下,尽量降低结构的复杂性,以更小的消耗、更简单的结构来实现成品的设计优化,同时对固定球阀的主要部件进行应力的软件分析。省力机构作为设计任务的一部分,我们需要根据固定球阀的特点来选择合适的机构。
关键词:结构设计 强度校核 应力分析 省力机构
Trunnion mounted ball valve used to be cut off in the main line, distribution and change the direction of the flow medium. Trunnion mounted ball valve is widely used in recent years a new type of valves, it has the following advantages : 1. Trunnion mounted ball valve fluid resistance small, and its resistance coefficient with the length of the barrel of equivalent. 2. Trunnion mounted ball valve structure simple, small size, light weight. 3. Trunnion mounted ball valve closely reliable, current Trunnion mounted ball valve sealed surface material widely used plastic, undergo good in a vacuum system also has been widely used. 4. Trunnion mounted ball valve easy to operate, the closing rapidly, from open all around, as long as there 90E, facilitate remote control. 5. Trunnion mounted ball valve maintenance convenience Trunnion mounted ball valve structure simple. seal ring generally activities, the removal of the replacement is more convenient. 6. Trunnion mounted ball valve whole or in the open all closed, spheroid and the sealed surface with medium valve seat separation medium through, will not cause the valves sealed surface erosion.
This article according to the known ball valve design experience to DN is 350mm, the design pressure is the 10Mpa ball valve carries on the design, mainly has included the choice of material, the structural design and the intensity examination and so on。In the structure and material aspect in satisfying under the intensity premise, reduce the structure as far as possible the complexity, by a smaller consumption, a simpler structure realizes the end product design optimization, simultaneously carries on the stress to ball valve's major component the software analysis. The province strength organization does for a task of design part, we need to choose the appropriate organization according to ball valve's characteristic.
This design takes the given design conditions as the objective point, simultaneously according to the national valve standard is the center, with the AUTOCAD two-dimensional charting software sional charting and stress analysis according to the ball valve design handbook's standard frame's structural style to the product, finally determined that ball valve's structural style and province strength opening way, this will have certain reference value to the later design and research similar ball valve.
Key words:Structural design, intensity examination, stress analysis and reducing effort organization
1. 固定球阀阀座密封比压的计算 q=N/Amn
2. 固定球阀转矩的计算Mc
3. 固定球阀滑动轴承的承载能力q<(q)
4. 固定球阀阀杆与球体连接部分强度计算
5. 固定球阀阀杆强度计算
6. 阀体中法兰连接的计算

摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 6
1.1固定球阀发展历史 6
1.2 固定球阀性能特点 6
1.3国内外研究现状 7
1.4本文研究的主要内容、方法和目标 8
第二章 固定球阀的设计 9
2.1 固定球阀的基本参数 9
2.2 确定阀门的主体材料和密封圈材料 9
2.3 固定球阀阀体结构 9
2.4 固定球阀的连接形式和驱动方式 9
2.5 阀门的型号 9
第三章 固定球阀的设计计算 10
3.1 阀体壁厚tmˊ的计算 10
3.2 球体最小直径的计算 10
3.3 单向密封阀座密封比压的计算 11
3.3.1 进口端阀座对球体的压力 11
3.3.2 阀座密封面工作比压 12
3.4 固定球阀转矩的计算 13
3.4.1 阀座密封圈与球体的摩擦转矩 的计算 13
3.4.2 MT 阀杆与填料间摩擦转矩的计算 15
3.4.3 Mu阀杆台肩与止推垫之间摩擦转矩的计算 16
3.4.4 :轴承摩擦转矩的计算 17
3.5 固定球阀滑动轴承的承载能力 17
3.6.固定球阀阀杆与球体连接部分的强度计算 18
3.7 固定球阀阀杆强度的计算 20
3.8 阀体中法兰连接的计算 22
3.8.1 法兰螺栓载荷的计算 22
3.8.2 法兰的强度计算 23
3.9 填料压盖强度计算 26
3.10 阀杆连接件的强度计算 27
3.11 基本零件材料选择 29
第四章 固定球阀的检查和试验 31
4.1球阀的检查 31
4.2球阀的压力试验 31
4.3球阀的维护、保养、安装和使用注意事项 31
第五章 总结 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35